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*lyrics available at the end of the chapter



After a long afternoon of deliberation of alternatives, weighing the good and the evil and anticipating the possible repercussions of making a deal with Matt, I was finally able to come up with the most sensible decision.

I dropped Tia off The Rivington Hotel at Midtown Manhattan after brunch, earlier in the day.

"Call me if you need anything," I reminded her, before I got up from the teal-colored duvet in her room.

"You're not staying for a while?" She asked hopefully.

I went to her to give her a long, affectionate kiss. "I'll drop by tomorrow after my audition."

"At least give me a call before you go," she told me.

"I will," I responded. "I gotta go, baby. I have an important meeting tonight. I'll try to get some rest."

The truth was, I needed to be alone. It was impossible to think about considering loaning Tia to Matt in the same room with her.

I spent the previous night at home wallowing in affliction, heartbreak and lividity altogether. I felt very much betrayed for the second time, by the same person. I couldn't believe Missy had been so heartless. And what was even more frustrating- I couldn't confront her right away without making a decision.

I couldn't avoid feeling guilty whenever I thought about trading Tia for information that would make my life so much easier. After all, two weeks with Matt won't make any difference with how Tia felt and still feels about me.

I wouldn't have taken Matt's deal seriously hadn't he said anything about how I wasn't really Missy's baby daddy. Kudos to Matt for knowing where to poke a sharp stick.

I spent the rest of the afternoon in bed, in contemplation.

I reached for my cell and dialed Matt's number registered from last night.

"Matt Larkin," he said on the other line.

"It's me."

"Calyx. Any news?"

"Come to my place tonight. You'll have my answer."

"Right. I can be there at seven. I'll bring pizza."

"This isn't really a football night," I told him coolly.

"Be that as it may, I'll be starving by then."

"Fine, whatever."


"One more thing, Matt."


"Bring your proof. I wanna see it."




I dialed Ali's number on my cell.

"Brother," I started. "Are you home yet?"

"No man," he responded. "I just got off work. What ees up?"

"Good. Imma ask you to come here at my apartment as quick as you can, please."

He sounded curious. "Are you een trouble, my friend?

"I think I'm about to be, that's why I need you here," I told him.

"Oki, oki, I'm coming."

I glanced at my watch. Five o'clock.

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