weird people

383 14 1

Lala's POV.


Mother screams from down stairs. I slowly drag myself out of bed and rub my morning eyes back to normal using my fist.

Walking over to my dresser I stub my toe on the bed "arrrrrr" I try not to scream, I suck it up and move on.

Oh I didn't get to tell you who I am.....sorry!

Hi, my name is Lala potter I have green eyes and olive-ish skin. I begin to brush my long brown hair wile thinking what we are doing today probably nothing as norm-

"LALAAAAA HELP!!" I hear my mum scream that's odd why would she want my help.

I run down stairs in a hurry only to find our house was broken into a strange man wearing a mask I have never seen just ran out the door.

On instinct I ran to the phone and rang the police then turned around to see mummy not moving at all. "Mum?" I ask seeing if she'll answer.

She didn't even move....

I spoke to the police and they came right away.

Meeting me out the front yard the came to talk to me with a note pad.

"Hello sweetie I'm officer kenny I just wanted to ask you a few questions, is that alright?" she asks. I nod my head and she starts to talk.

"Ok so can you explain what happened from the very start please" she said so I start talking.

"Ummm well I was upstairs getting ready for the day when mum screamed Lala help! then I ran down stairs to find a weird looking man in our house he was wearing a funny mask but before I could get a better look he left, that's when I rang you guys I turned around to see mum not moving or speaking" I said almost crying although mum was a bitch sometimes she's still my mother.

"Ok Hun, did the man say anything to you at all?" I thought for a second.

"No" I say.

I stayed there for a wile more answering more questions to the blonde lady in a hat.

I was a bit shaken up..... the police sent my aunty to pick me up so I will be living with her for now.

Would you miss me? ||HP fanfic (under editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora