Time Creates Poetry

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The midst of fog chain's purpose,

stumbling upon the fair words startles the flow,

swirling around those thoughts suggests rhythm

hour by hour, minute by minute, second by second,

    the flow streams towards a blossoming stem.

Delay. Patience. Anger. Love. Curiosity. Fear.

This Creates the words,

fills the void of lost expression

Timing is unpredictable, as the heart travels to the wits,

The Rhythm showers lightning across the frightened field,

That field that fights for a voice, a voice that strays

Concluding lyrics secure those impressions,

Leaving with a result is not planned,

Achieving is earned by observed measure.

                                The rain is hidden, but prepared

Getting hit with a wave can be impulsive,

Riding the rippled scene takes conscious time,

or strikes stimulus action.

Glide that pens instantly,

A tone gradually inspires.

Walt Whitman. Slyvia Plath. E.E Cummings. Edgar Allen Poe. William Shakespear

Poets who have engraved fear, loss, humor, and love-press their thoughts into the world. Timing matters, emotions are always there. Constructing the flow can take proper tempo. Their vices have been heard and continued to strike innovation within human society. Poetry is a passage of suggestion and gripping conception.

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