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"Ash, I've just got some pizza -- "  Victoria called out as she unlocked the front door

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"Ash, I've just got some pizza -- "  Victoria called out as she unlocked the front door. A couple of bags hung from her arms as she tried to manoeuvre herself inside. Unusually, there was no answer and it brought a look of confusion over Victoria as she peaked around the door. Fez had a couple of deals that day but Ash was in. When Fezco wasn't home, Ash stayed out of his room and alert on the cameras. "Ash," She softly called whilst placing the bags down beside the door; her eyes wandering before hearing some soft conversation.

"I don't like lying to her." Ash's voice came to her ears as she moved through the hallway. Those words crashed over her as thoughts of every betrayal came to her. She could hear her heart racing as she stepped closer; the floor creaking only a moment but it was enough for her boys to realise she was there. At that moment, she hated their awareness. "Tory?" Ash's voice called out after a moment of silence that had allowed Victoria to subtle step back as if only returning home.

Quickly, Victoria picked up the bags and returned his call, "Ash, you hungry?" She was thankful her voice didn't seem tense as she moved to hide her emotions and calm her breathing. Those bright eyes of hers began to flicker from the closed room as the handle turned. "I got pizza." Victoria bit into her bottom lip to keep herself from babbling as she distracted herself with plating out the food. "Great, I'm starved." Ash's voice entered the kitchen and his ever seeing brown eyes wandered her body for a moment; figuring out if she had heard anything but Victoria's sweet and soft nature was always her best defence. 

"You always are." She giggled out; enjoying the domestic feel as she moved to reach for the fridge. A soft touch capturing her wrist had her gasping for a moment before her eyes met those familiar blues she adored. "Fez, you scared me." She gently slapped his chest as their bodies brushed against each other. "I didn't know you were home." Victoria placed a soft kiss to his lips that had Fezco leaning in but she teasingly moved away to collect their drinks. "Finished the deal quickly, ma." He lied easily.

Victoria had no reason to not believe him as she hummed and pressed another kiss whilst hearing Ash's usual complaints about the display of affection. "Shut up bro." Fez knuckled Ash's head and she noticed the tension leaving the boy if only for a moment. "Have you got anything planned?" Victoria asked ever so innocently whilst opening the boxes of pizza. She missed the looks the two brothers gave each other as Ash stuffed his mouth with a large piece to excuse himself from speaking. 

"Just the usual." Fez answered and moved to sit next to her. His hand stroking her bare thigh.

Shivers raced down her body with goosebumps spreading across her bare skin that his touch seemed to burn through in the most delicious of ways

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Shivers raced down her body with goosebumps spreading across her bare skin that his touch seemed to burn through in the most delicious of ways. It had her distracted for a moment longer and she wondered if that was the purpose as he leaned closer and captured her lips passionately. If she was truly paying attention, she would of noticed Ash's disappointed look pointed at his brother. "Fez," Victoria giggled and locked her eyes with his. 

Her fingers moved over his shaved head as she leaned into his side. "You haven't heard from Nate have you?" She couldn't help but ask whilst moving to clasp her hand in his. Victoria chewed on her bottom lip as she played with his larger fingers. Ash sipped at the energy drink in front of him as he watched his brother work his magic. "No, nothing. You, ma?" He turned it around and watched her nibble on the food.

Victoria shook her head as she let out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad. Maybe he's come to his senses." She tried to believe her own words but giggled at Ash's scoff. "When hell freezes over." The boy comments around a bite of his food. "Not with your mouth full." Victoria gently scolded with a tap of his cheek which he tried to brush off but notably softened for her. 

A conversation was about to start when Fezco's phone buzzing on the table had the moment ruined. Her brows furrowed as she recognised her sister's number flashing on the screen and wondered why Lexi was calling. Her confusion only increasing as she watched her boyfriend leave the room to answer the call. Victoria's eyes never moved from the hallway as she strained to hear the conversation. "Want some ice cream?" Ash tried to distract her; hating to see thoughts racing through her mind. He knew her insecurities and it had him hating his brother for this but it was for the best, he thought to himself.

"I'm good," She nearly whispered with her confused look still on her face as she leaned back into the chair; pizza forgotten about as Victoria reached for her own phone. Ash stared at her; silently eating his food now as he looked over his shoulder to where his brother was returning. Victoria didn't even bother asking; knowing his lies were too pretty for her to see them. 

"I forgot, I have some plans tonight." Victoria babbled as she moved from her seat just as Fez sat down. "You do?" Fezco asked; his voice soft and his blues locking on her eyes innocently. "Yeah, I might sleep at home as well." She ducked her head; they both knew Victoria hated being there. It was in that moment Ash took himself from the situation. He grabbed another slice, gave his worst glare to Fez and hoped Victoria wasn't drifting away. 

"Are you sure, ma?" Fez couldn't help but ask; his confusion clearly written all over his face. "Of course." Victoria smiled brightly; too wide and false. So easily read it broke his heart as she placed a soft kiss to his scar. "Who was on the phone?" Victoria gently asked as she brushed their noses together. His answer would change everything. "Just a supplier." 

Victoria wondered if Fezco heard her heart break.

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