Sad ghost + anger issues reader

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You were in your room sleeping then you wake up and it's like 3:00 am and you go in your living room and see a tree and presents and you hated Christmas so you kick down the tree but you were curious on what was in the presents so you grab it and opened it all you see is a clown doll you were confused.
You thought too yourself "is this a joke?....Who even put this stupid tree here...wait I live alone....
Y/n was scared then though maybe it was the teenagers that prank people just to scare them but why would they go into someone's house.
Everything turned pitch  black then y/n sees a door it haves a depressed clown face on it strange a sad clown?
Then y/n opened it to be curious of what might be inside.
Then when y/n went in y/n walked around then see a present.
Y/n was about to head back when y/n heard crying that was in the box.
And all y/n heard was "come close come close"
Y/n was scared but went closer and closer too the box.
Then the lid of the box just went bye bye and then a clown popped out of the box and looked at y/n.
Then the clown spoke "pls do not yell at me...I'm am the sad ghost of past experiences...and the reason you are here is because you were a bad person..."
Y/n was confused and then said "I'm not a bad person."
Then the ghost looked more upset then the clown said "you are lying..."
Y/n was confused....
Then the clown ghost spoke "you lied,hurt,stole and you even yelled at people and hurted their feelings..."
Y/n was upset "But they just got me mad it wasn't my fault I think...."....
Then the sad ghost spoke "I can see that people hurted you in the past which lead you too act this way..."
Y/n was mad but that was true in the inside y/n needed help.
Then the ghost spoke "you know there is more time too change."
Y/n "yeah your right thanks..."
Y/n hugged the ghost and left the ghost speechless
When everything was back too normal y/n became a better person and y/n was now known for being nice now!

Sad ghost of the past x reader one shots Where stories live. Discover now