To a bar

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One day in the black bulls base Yami and Finral came back from a Captains meeting, Finral was exhausted as usual, but did Yami care? No.


"Yes Captain?"

"I need the to take a dump."

"Of course Captain." Finral makes a portal when Yami pass's though Finral closed the portal and curse Yami for using him as a tool. Finral walked to his room and flopped onto his bed with a loud sigh of relaxation, he took off his heeled boots and his robe then lied back down sideways on his bed, feet touching the floor. He turned his head to the right and noticed a letter with his name on it, but who was this letter from? Finral sat up and grabbed the letter and read it aloud.


I hope that tonight you will be willing to meet me at downtown capital at midnight, their is a bar called 'Nina's' If you show please wear that cute green short dress, high stockings, and knee high boots.                                                                                                                                         -Your Truly, Lover

Finral was quite shocked by the letter he received, but he was curious to what waited him at the bar, clearly some sort of stalker. But Finral let his interested mind get the best of him. That night Finral left at 11:45pm so he could be their by midnight. As he walked slowly down the path someone grabbed him from behind and he was dragged off into the back of someones car. Finral struggled but couldn't break lose, they drugged him kicking and screaming. Finral soon lost consciousness.

Finral woke up in a dark cold room, with nothing but his underwear. In a panic he sat up quickly, followed by a throat chocking chain around his neck, causing him to quickly fall back down. Finral heard the sound of footsteps coming close to him causing him to quickly began to panic. Moving as much as he could tell the chains on his wrist and ankles started to cut into him.

"Oh look at this boys, he thinks he can get out. Isn't that nice." The three men laughed over Finral who couldn't stop shacking. Tears started to form in his eye, but he tried to keep them from falling down his face, tell it was too late, when one of the men put there hand on Finrals waist, Finral screamed. His throat was dry which caused him to cough as he breathed in. As Finral chocked the men standing above him laughed. The larger one of the men climbed onto of Finral and proceeded to unbuttoned his pants as he slid Finrals underwear off. He lifted Finrals back-half up and thrusted very hard into Finral causing him to moan loudly but scream even louder. Tears streamed down his face, the immense pain in his lower half made him want to just die! As Finral cried and screamed he thought to himself (Did Yami do this? Did he plan this? I was pretty sure Yami left the note, did he plan on having me kidnapped? if so...why? Yami...why?)

After the men where done Finral was left in the dark crying, covered in his own blood wondering if he'd ever seen daylight again. He heard a loud crashing sound. But it was too dark to see what it was.

"Do you just plan to sleep all day, or what?" It was a familiar voice, but who's was it? Finral felt someone walk over to him and cut his chains.

"Do you plan on getting up? Or do I have to carry you?" Finral pondered for a second trying to figure out who this was.


"Yeah? What? You need me to carry you?"

"Well, yes, and umm...?"

"No need tell me later, first lets get you out of here."

Yami picked Finral up bridal style and carried him back home. He sat Finral on his bed and left, soon coming back with a cup of tea to clam Finral's nerves. Finral slowly drank from the cup of tea and told Yami what they did to him. He started to cry as he told Yami about how the men assaulted him. Yami grabbed Finral and pulled him into his chest and ran his fingers thought Finrals hair tell he stopped crying.

"So you didn't set it up?"

"Why would I?"

"I don't know? To be a hero to impress me?"

"Finral, did they hit your head or something?" Finral noticed that Yami didn't answer his question, he avoided it. Finral laid in Yami's lap tell he drifted to sleep. Finral woke up in Yami's bed, but with no Yami there. Finral knew something was up with Yami and it freaked him out, the feeling that Yami had him kidnapped, but would Yami really do that? This question kept Finral's mind clouded all day, to the point where he couldn't focus. On accident he sent Magna and Luck to a remote village called Rayaka, Magna's home village, when he was suppose to send them to a village called Aradom Village.
Finral keep to himself for the rest of day.

End of Chapter 1
P.S, I hope your happy now sis :3

Also I googled it Aradom Village, is an actually village in Black clover, don't believe? Google it! I dare you!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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Love in space [Yami x Finral] Black CloverWhere stories live. Discover now