chap. 2

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Fourteen years have passed since Tanjiro was kidnapped by Kyojuro. Tanjiro is now 14 years old and is in his room reading a book. It's the beginning of the summer break which means no school or work to do. Kyojuro is not in the house because he went to get some food.

Speaking of Kyojuro.

Kyojuro changed a lot in fourteen years. He noticed that Kyojuro is eating lots of food lately. Whenever they are eating together, he would watch Kyojuro eat lots and lots of food, he would sometimes get sick of him eating a lot of food. Or whenever he would go out by himself, he would wear a huge black hat and wear black clothing so you won't see his skin; he would take them off when he comes home.

Just then, he heard arguing. He got off the bed and looked outside from his window. He saw his friend, Inosuke arguing with an old woman. 



"GAH! SCREW YOU AND YOUR FANNY!" Inosuke yelled. Just then, he saw Tanjiro looking at him from the window. "Hey what's up my homie!" He said as he harshly punched the old woman's jaw and the woman fell to the ground, unconscious.

Tanjiro slammed his hand into his face. "Damn it Inosuke! What did the teacher tell you not to hurt anyone?"

"That old fanny thought I killed her dog, my man! But I didn't, I was walking around until I saw the dog deceased and when I went to check, she screamed at me." Inosuke explained. He lifted his arms. "Can I come up?"

Tanjiro looks down, even though the height from the window to the ground isn't high, he is scared that he might get caught. Kyojuro explains to Tanjiro to never let any of his friends into the house, even if he is not there.

Tanjiro looks left and right. "Ok, but it will be your fault if I get caught." He leads his hand to Inosuke as he grabs it and Tanjiro pulls him up from the ground.

As soon as Inosuke landed in Tanjiro's room, he went onto his bed and laid down. "So whatcha doing this summer break so far?"

"Well, nothing much really. Reading books, helping my d-"

"Ya blah blah blah! All the boring shits I hear." He said while mocking his hand. "I got a cool ass game called 'Assassin's Creed' with my chore money!"

"Woah, that's nice. I wish my dad would let me buy a game by myself." Tanjiro said.

"You know. I'm about to say rude things about your dad. Like I'm sorry, but don't you think he is overprotective of you or something?" Inosuke asked.

"Well, he loves me as a father would do. But I get it, he's sometimes crazy about me going alone. But I still have to respect him."

"Pff, he can suck a dick. You can do whatever you want since you are a teenager. Fuck, my parents allowed me to do stuff whatever I want!" While Inosuke is bickering, Tanjiro knows Inosuke is right. He wants to do his things without his dad knowing, but he knows the nature of his father. 

A long time ago, when they were on a school field trip, Inosuke spotted Kyojuro spying on them from a bush.

Just as he was about to speak, he heard the front door open and Kyojuro yelled, "My boy! I'm home, and I got you something!"

"Quick! My dad is here! Get out!" Tanjiro said.

"Hell no! I'm hiding," Inosuke said as he went under Tanjiro's bed.

Tanjiro slammed his hand on his face as Kyojuro came into the room with a concerned face. "My boy? Why didn't you come? I was worried."

Tanjiro was thinking of a lie, then he thought of one, "Well, I was listening to music with the headphones you bought for me, and I was reading a book."

"Awww! That's nice, my boy." Kyojuro smiled. "Oh, I wanna give this to you." He took a bag and took out a brush and gave it to Tanjiro. "It's a brush for your hair, recently, I noticed your hair is a bit messy and trust me, when you brush your hair, it feels very nice! Come! I'll show you!".

He pushed Tanjiro in front of the tall mirror as he brushed his hair softly. "See, does that feel nice!" He said.

"Yeah. It's nice, thanks, dad."

Kyojuro smiled. "You're welcome, my boy!" He then traces his finger on his cheek. "You know what I see?" he said dreamily. 


"I see a beautiful young man, oh, you're there too. Hahaha!" Kyojuro teased. Tanjiro looked at him with embarrassment. "You know I was joking!" He patted his shoulder.

"Hey dad, I wanted to ask you."

Kyojuro sat on the bed. "You wanna ask? Alright, what's up?"

"Well," Tanjiro rubbed his hand behind his neck. "I wanted to ask you if I could go on my own since I am a teen now and not a child."

Kyojuro cocked an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Meaning can I go to places on my own rather than you being with me all the time?" Tanjiro said.

"Oh, I get it? You wanna go to the store instead of being with you!"

"Yes! So can I?"

"Of course, you can!" Kyojuro smiled.

"Wait! Really?!"

"Hehe, no." Kyojuro frowned.

"B-but why!?" Tanjiro asked.

"Because you are my son and I promised ever since you were born to never let you go because where I came from, my family is very obsessed with children so I would never let you go on your own, no matter what, even if you are 22," Kyojuro lied calmly.

"But I have my friends.'

"Your 'friends' are not enough. To be honest, I hate that little bastard Inosuke! Makes me sick when you meet him." Kyojuro said. 

It made Inosuke very mad from under the bed. Tanjiro frowned. 

"Oh cheer up now, my boy... I'm here for you," He pulled Tanjiro into a hug. Tanjiro hugs back even though he's still upset.

Meanwhile, Kyojuro is pissed that Tanjiro wanted to go on his own. That damn Inosuke must have convinced him to go alone. But he is not letting Tanjiro go… no…. Tanjiro is his and forever will be his.

“Now, I am going to make some lunch.” Kyojuro stopped hugging as he got off the bed and left Tanjiro’s room. When he was gone, Inosuke got off under the bed with a very mad look on his face.

“Your dad is an asshole!” Inosuke said to Tanjiro.

“I’m sorry about that.”

“It's fine my man! Plus, I don’t have time to kick your dad’s ass now. Oh, this reminds me, I gotta hang out with some friends in another part of town.” Inosuke jumped out of the window and landed on the ground. “I’ll bring you something back, ok.”

“Ok, see you later, Inosuke.” Tanjiro waved and sighed sadly. He saw Inosuke take off running while laughing. “Man, I wish I could go with Inosuke… I wonder where he is going?”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2022 ⏰

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