Mom Comes Home

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A warm beam of light shone down onto the Rosso house. A cute little house with faded red paint coating it's exterior. It was here where six sisters lived. Scarlet, Carmen, Ruby, Ginger, Rose and Robin all sat together in the living. Though they were together, they were all in some way separated. Each sister had some obligation against one of the others.
Scarlet, the eldest, looked over all of her sisters. She loved them all, but still had some envy and annoyance toward some of them. Carmen's beauty and confidence or Ginger being at that blissful age of feeling so mature but not having to worry about the stress of real maturity. Scarlet felt like her life had been wasted. She had always heard people on TV say a life with children is never wasted but her sisters weren't her children. They shouldn't even be her responsibility. Especially not Carmen.

The door cracked open and in walked a slender woman. The stench of cheap perfume and bourbon accompanied her. The smell of their mother, Candy.
Candy stepped over to the couch, slumping back between Carmen and Ruby. Silence and discomfort befell the room. Despite what some of them would argue, the sisters all hated the silence, but it was persistent. Thankfully, Ginger had decided to break it "How your trip, mom?"

Candy took the coat of her pantsuit off, throwing the article of clothing onto the coffee table "Agonizing." She grumbled, shortly before her gaze was drawn to her youngest child. "Robin, go get your shoes on. You're going to grandmas."
Robin didn't hesitate, she quickly stood up and skipped toward the closet to grab her boots and hood. "Mom... are you sure it's a good idea to send Robin out there by herself?" Ruby muttered. Candy turned her head to face Ruby, a scowl on her aging face "Are you questioning me? I'm an adult, Ruby. Robins a big girl now. She can handle it."
Robin skipped back to her family, a homemade hood tied sloppily around her neck "Yeah! I'm a big girl now, Ruby!" She flashed a gap toothed grin at the teenager. While it was cute, it only annoyed Ruby "You're not helping." She hissed.
Robin gave a small pout that was quickly washed away. The youngest of the sisters skipped out of the door, ready for her commute to her grandmother's home.

Scarlet called out 'stay on the path!' She honestly envied her sister. They all did. She got to go see their grandmother while they stayed home with their drunken and hot headed mother. To them, it was a less than desirable environment.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2022 ⏰

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