Aaron T. Headcannons

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•He's a kidder alright. He can't take anything
serious until it's slapping him in the face!

•Aaron T was actually the one who suggested
they be called "4 *TOWN" instead of
"5*TOWN" because he has the same name
as Aaron Z. So technically they and I quote "count as one person"

•Of course they went with it. It was funny.
Uncle T is the uncle that they barely get to see because of his reckless nature. He usually
sees them when Aaron Z has them but he's
not allowed to take them anywhere by himself because he himself...is a child.

•He's totally the one to slip up and say
something inappropriate teaching the kids it
on accident.

•"Your mom!" "Where's you learn that?" *T
sweats* "uM"

•T feels closer with Jesse and Aaron Z then
anyone else in the group and is able to confide in them. Although the whole time he will be cracking jokes.

•Is shipped with Aaron Z a lot so they -Mainly
T though-play onto sometimes it leading to
funny situations

•"Hey handso- I mean Z» *said infront of a
reporter. "Stoppp" Z said chuckling. *reporter
shocked bc Z is smiling* "I'm sorry bab-Z" Z starts to die laughing out loud* "c'mon stop
smiling you said it was reserved for me 🥺"

•*time skip to them in their trailer* "oh and
before I forget I'm gonna beat you up T" *Z smiles laughing* "what did I do?" "That" *tae
responds turns up the tv* *they all watch T&
Z's fake flirting* "oh yeah-"

•He definitely writes genius lyric's for any song.
•Loves joking a playing around but he also has a small love for baking! He loves to make
macrons, cake, tarts and other sweet treats!
It's his stress reliever! If he ever stresses about a songs performance on the radio he'll just bake a couple cupcakes help tae's stress
eating and to help himself calm down

•Fun fact: T is the only one that can make Z
smile. Yup!

•This is important because whenever Z cries
and needs someone to cry to Aaron T is
always there. That doesn't mean he's the best
a comforting though.

•*Z cries* "uh...ummm....don't cry baby girl your too pretty?" "WhAt-" "I DONT KNOW I SAW IT ON TV-"

•In the BTS blooper he's the one causing chaos on purpose. "Oh Jesse let me help you carry these boxes (•̀ᴗ•́)و *proceeds to drop them all and trips Jesse in the process. Ruins everything on accident but also on purpose?*

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