His biggest decision

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This could be the biggest decision Sakakura has to make in his entire life.

His head pressed against wet concrete by a stiletto heel, rain pounding down on his body as the Ultimate Despair stared down at him, a smug smirk on her face. Though Sakakura could easily overpower the teenager, Enoshima had far more than just a physical hold on him; If he made one wrong move, his secret would be out within minutes.

He couldn't let that happen,

"So... What's your decision? Are you gonna lie to your beloved Munakata about my innocence and get off scot free, or are you gonna snitch and have your true feelings revealed?"

As Enoshima spoke, the reserve course students surrounding the two started laughing and pointing at the boxer. It was suffocating.

"I..." Sakakura frantically thought for any other option. However, it wasn't possible. Either his secret would be revealed, or he would put hundreds, possibly thousands of lives at risk.

And what mattered more? The Ultimate Boxer's pride, or innocent lives?

The answer was clear, yet the idea alone terrified him. After all these years of hiding, his secret would be out. His friendship with Munakata would be damaged, possibly even destroyed, and he'd lose all the respect he'd gained through working at Hope's Peak.

"I.. I'm going to tell him the truth."

Enoshima froze, staring at Sakakura incredulously as the laughter stopped. This clearly wasn't what she expected, nor what she wanted. "You're just going to give up? What about your dark secret? Your feelings? Are you just gonna let your friendship be destroyed?"

In the shock, the weight holding Sakakura down lessened, allowing him to push Enoshima aside, getting to his feet. "I'd rather lose everything than let innocent people die. I.. may be a man of pride, but it doesn't mean I wanna just give up and let you cause havoc!"

Without another word, he half-ran off, not hearing what Enoshima's reply was.


Sakakura found himself wandering through town for hours; though it was pouring with rain and getting late, he didn't want to head back to Munasaka and his shared apartment. After all, Enoshima must have told him by now by some means or other... yet Sakakura couldn't avoid it forever. Some time soon, it would get too late for him to stay outside, and he was starting to shiver as the freezing rain soaked his clothes.

After another hour of putting it off, he decided that he should just get it over with and head back. While he was walking, he checked the time on his watch, noticing how late it was. Though Munasaka would frequently stay up late doing work, he must be alseep by now, right? Maybe by the morning he'll forget about it?

Slowly he began to relax, and by the time Sakakura was opening the front door, his anxiety was gone.

It immediately came back as he saw Munakata on the couch, holding a letter and very much awake. As soon as Sakakura entered, he raised his head to look at him. "Good evening."

"Ah, hey, Munakata." He awkwardly smiled, a tense silence filling the room.

Eventually, Munakata spoke, adjusting his tie; Though it was slightly after midnight, he was still in his suit. "Why have you been out so long..? You're drenched, you must be freezing."

Despite the ball of anxiety sitting in the pit of his stomach, Sakakura's heart still fluttered at the mere possibility that his friend could be worried about him. "I just.. ran into someone."

"And who may that be?"

Sakakura slightly hesitated before speaking. After all, judging by the letter Munakata was holding, he already knew his secret. "Enoshima. I've found that she's.. definitely behind all this."

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