•~part 4~•

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Before this part starts I just want to say how great full I am for the vote view and comments for some reason I can't comment back but if you have ideas tell me and if I use it I'll put in idea credits at the end

Javon leaves to go on set while you and jaden sit on the lounge and watch everyone rehearse or film
You say laying on him lap look up at him while he plays with your hair
Jaden: can I have a kiss
You:wait ew no
Jaden:you kissed me before
You: no you kissed me I didn't kiss you
Jaden: you didn't hate it did you
Jaden:so can I have a kiss
You:let's go watch a movie in Javons trailer
Jaden:ignore my question much
You sit up and start walking and turn around to see jaden sitting in the lounge with a sad face
You:come on pretty boy
Jadens sadness face turns into a smile with a smirk
You start walking and he runs up behind you you grab his hand and run to the trailer once you reach the trailer you drag jaden inside and and slam the door behind him
Jaden:damn you really want to watch a movie
You:or I want to do this
You smash your lips up against his hopeing that he will kiss you back
Jaden pulls away from you
You:fuck sorry I'll leave
You try to walk past him and to the other side of the trailer
Jaden: don't be
He smirks and walks up to you slowly moving closer and closer he wraps him hands around your waist bringing you extremely close to him then slowly kisses you it's becomes a very passionate kiss and you feel like it's going on forever he slowly starts kissing your neck then coming back up to your lips while you do the same after a little you realise that your making out with your brothers best friend twin once it hits you, you start to slowly ease out of the kiss and hear a knock on the door
Jaden: fuck
Jaden: your neck
You:your fucking dead
Jaden:bathroom now
There's another knock on the door
Jaden:who is it
Angus: it's me Angus let me in
Jaden opens the door for your brother
Angus:took you a little
Jaden: yeah sorry I was on the bed and tripped trying to get out
Angus:oh you ok
Jaden: yeah I'm fine
Angus:where y/n
You: right here I was on the toilet also can u tell Zendaya to come hee it's an emergency
Angus: how big
You look down at your stomach then back up
You:kinda big
Angus:oh shit Yeha I will now
He leaves
Jaden: you ok
Yiu:yeah just got some cramps
Jaden: oh come here
He pulls you into a hug and kisses you on check
You bend over in pain because your on your period
Jaden:come sit down
He wraps his hands around your waist and brings you around the trailer and onto the bed he flips onto the bed while you flop onto of him and slowly roll of him holding onto your stomach and forming yourself into a ball
Zendaya: I'm coming in
She gives you some pads and tampons as well as putting some chocolate into the fridge for you and also leaving some period relief on the counter top
Zendaya:well I gotta go ok
You:ok thanks again
She leaves and you go to the bathroom again. Once you leave the bathroom you go to the fridge and get some water then get the period relief tablets and take it you lay back down on the bed and just watch a movie and take photos of you and jaden
There's a knock on the door
Angus: hey guys you ready to go it's what 9pm now come on
You:ok yous all get up and leave to go back o the Walton's house

Yous arrive in here and yous all get out of the car and start walking inside
Jaden: come get out I'm cold
You:oh calm down
Javon: hurry up
Angus: come on let's go it's cold
Yous all get inside and take showers and wait for everyone to get home
Jayla: hey yall I'm home
You:how was your day
Jayla sits down next to you
Jayla: it was good just chillin with Kyle you knwo
You:oh that's good
Jayla: how was yours
You:good I guess I was stuck in a trailer with jaden all day worse decisions of my life
Jayla: hahaha well I have to go pick mum and dad up from the shops cya soon
You all say ok and bye
You jaden angus and javon are on the lounge watching a movie it's now 10pm so u decide to post somethings on Insta

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