Chad Wild Clay the First

108 2 7

<1st Person>

I woke up, but.. it didn't feel right. My room, it didn't.. it wasn't the same. I opened my eyes, blinking in the sudden light which.. usually wasn't there.  I rubbed my eyes, yawning, and then I looked around. This.. wasn't my room. Where was I?
The room was bright. The walls were a turquoise shade, and the carpet was scratchy underneath my feet. There was a single, bare bulb in the middle of the ceiling. I was sat uncomfortably in a folding chair, my hands and legs tied to the iron bars. I struggled in my seat, but the rope was too tight around my limbs. My eyes darted around the room. Suddenly, I noticed a red flashing light in the corner, I squinted and saw it was a... security camera. Why was there a security camera in here? This only increased my suspicion that I had been kidnapped. Out of the blue, the shiny, golden doorknob jiggled and then the purple door inched open.
"W-who's there!?" I clenched my fists and furrowed my brows.
Then... Chad Wild Clay walked in.
"Ch-Chad Wild Clay?" I muttered. My face flushed.
"Yeah, it's me, Chad Wild Clay," he replied in his manly voice.
"O-oh, h-hi Chad Wild Clay.." I stuttered. Crap, I need to work on my stuttering..
"Hi, y/n, you know why you're here right?" he asked.
"N-no... why am i here?"
"Well, we kidnapped you."

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