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Ron's POV:

Monday 9:49 AM

I was looking down at Mark, who was laying on the ground all beaten up; I knew I shouldn't get into fights at school, it just happened, Mark pissed me off.

"Ron what where you thinking?" Miss White asked angrily as she looked around at the people who had all ether watched the fight, or chaired for us. "You all should be ashamed... Mark get up, you two are going to the principal's office." She said, turning in her heals to lead us to Mr. Huston's office, forcing me to knock on the door with my bloody knuckles.

Huston opened with an angry look on his face. "Again? Mark, come in. And Ron, you stay waiting in the hallway, ok?" The principal looked at me with an angry glare before leaving me outside, waiting for them to finish. Miss White had gone back to watch the main area for the break, leaving me alone.

9:54 AM

I found a tennis ball laying around on the floor, it was quite dirty but I picked it up, sitting down against the brick wall and throwing the ball right at the ground, it bounced at the wall and back to me as I caught it, throwing it over and over again.

Suddenly the popular girls showed up, walking right passed me as I stared at them. "Stop staring Ron, it's weird." One of the girls said in an annoying tone, making me sigh. "Did you see the new kid? I'm so gonna ask him out!" I heard the girls talk, as they sat down on the other side of the corner I was sitting at.

"Omg yeah Enid! You would make such a power couple!" I heard Sophia giggle. Suddenly I saw a new face walking down the hallway.

The guy had long dark brown shaggy hair, ocean blue eyes and an adorable smile. He was wearing a big black t-shirt and just normal brown short, I didn't see anything special about him but when the girls saw him they started whispering happily.

"He totally thinks you're hot! Did you see how he smiled?" Sophia whispered, loudly. Why the hell would they think that long haired gay boy was cute? Ok, ok maybe he doesn't look gay but still? I was way hotter than him, and probably better in bed!

"Ron, your turn." Mr. Huston groaned as Mark left his room, I quickly brushed passed him and into the fancy office, and so the conversation started.

10:09 AM

"Ron, we can't have you getting into any more fights or we'll have to expel you." The principal said after a long talk of what I should and shouldn't do, and about what happened and stuff. "Yeah I know, I just- I don't know." I grunted.

After getting out from the office I felt Sophia, Enid and some of their friends glare at me before I spun around to look at them. "Have you guys seen Mikey or Felix?" I asked, pointing at them with finger guns, trying not to be awkward. "No, Ron we haven't." Sophia spat out with attitude, she's been so pissed since we had drunk sex about a month ago. I guess it's because we just never really knew each other.

I just eyed them all for a bit before Will let out a long sigh. "Go, we don't wanna be seen with you." He said, rolling his eyes and I ran my fingers trough my hair. "You're just mad that I got bitches, and you don't." I said, knowing he got pissed right as I bolted, he ran behind me as I laughed loudly. I knew I was fast, so I got away and actuly found Mikey and Felix at our usual spot; a small corner where we could be in peace.

"You look like a fucking mess." Felix laughed, as he held his girlfriend close, cuddling with her happily making me roll my eyes. "Yeah, I had to run away from Will and his crew." I said making them laugh. "You guys are coming to the halloween party next Friday, right?" Beth, Felix girlfriend asked. "Hell yeah!" I said, throwing my backpack besides Mikey, sitting down right next to him on the floor.

"Enid was drooling over some homosexual today." I said, leaning back all annoyed. "How do you know he's gay?" Mikey asked and I groaned. "I don't but the problem is women liking boys that have long hair and look gay these days!?" I said, sliding right down on the floor as he pushed me a bit. "You should stop with all that crying over women not wanting you, you'll find the one someday." Mikey assured. "Bullshit." Felix joked and I looked at him with a death glare as I sat back up.

"What class we got next?" Beth asked, changing the subject.


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