Part 1

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Happy birthday @dazzlingkm!!!!! Hope you like this and have a VERY AWESOME DAY!!! ^^ @Topofthewinx Hope you like it too!!!!!!!!!!!

Void Knight's words stayed in her mind... he had been trying to tell her something. Amelia Jones sat underneath her DinoHenge statue, the Ankylosaurus one, leaning against the stone, and thinking. Pressuring her mind to make some sense of the last words Void Knight had said, before Void Queen had him captured.

It still shook her to her deepest core, when she remembered him using the word daughter for her. He'd turned good for whatever reasons, he'd helped Javi defeat that sporix, he'd seeked help from the Rangers, and they'd failed. They'd failed to help him.

And just as he was being dragged away, that pleading look in his eyes, those words from his mouth, "help me, my daughter, help me... Santaura will not stop at anything. I've made my mistakes, I must pay for them. Save the world. I know you can do it"

He'd sought Amelia out, right before they'd been attacked, he was trying to tell her something, and she had been skeptical... she now wished she'd heard what he had to say.

But if Void Knight knew she was his daughter, why would he have spent so long attacking the rangers, and trying to actively free Santaura? And doom them all in the process?

"I've made my mistakes, I must pay for them" maybe that was expressed as repentance, for said actions... maybe he'd found out he had been wrong, when he wanted to free Santaura. When he'd done everything in his power to destroy his daughter.

How had he known Amelia was his daughter, though? He'd not seen her since she was four years old...

"You okay?" she was suddenly shaken out of her thoughts by the sound of the musical voice of Javier Garcia, who seemed to be standing in front of her, in the exact same way she had once stood upon her friend Zayto, who had been in a dilemma somewhat like her own.

"I..." she started to speak, but she didn't know what she could say, "I'm fine" she lied.

"From what I can see, you look pretty shaken up" he said, shrugging, "thinking about Void Knight? About what he said?"

"Yeah" she sighed, no point in hiding if this boy could see through to her soul.

"Can I sit with you?" he asked, and she shimmied to the side, making some space for him at the foot of her Ankylosaurus statue, and he sat down on the dirt, beside her.

"If it's worth anything, I, for one, think that you're better than both of them... both your parents." he smiled, and she wondered just how much pity was hidden behind the words.

"It's not that, which is bothering me... it's that..." she didn't even know how to tell him what was bothering her.

"It's okay, I'm here if you wanna talk. Otherwise, we can just sit here and look at the stars." he said, leaning back against the statuette, and looking upwards, towards heaven, towards where all those stars lived. The sky looked a lovely mix of black and a tinge of bluish violet, the clouds still retained some glow from the sunset not too long ago, appearing a light pink, almost blending in perfectly.

"I'd like that" she said, quietly, leaning her own head against the statue, keeping it there, as both of them looked at the stars.

"You remember that time a Sporix stole my song? Turned it into something unbearable? Simply because my emotions were out of control? Something bout Mucus's slime?" Javi asked, suddenly, after a while, when he realized Amelia was still restless, and troubled. He wanted to change the topic, talk about things that would make her feel better.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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