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Warning : The storyboard and concept is made by GHOST I wrote the details , extra emphasis , and the rest of the story , since the Case was never finished and half-written .

This wasn't made to make fun of GHOST/COMMUNICATIONS in any way . It's just a concept of how I picture it to be like if it was complete .

Name: Bri Rhodez

Age: 16

Date of Birth: ???

Voice: MAIKA

Communication : Photography

S/O: Biromantic (Girls and non-binary people, questioning their sexuality)


Name: Avery Martin

Age: 17

Date of Birth: ???

Voice: Ruby V4

Communication : Face-to-face Conversations

S/O : Lesbian(questioning her sexuality)


Name: Simon Berekeley

Age: 16

Date of birth: ???

Voice: Yohioloid

Communication : Computer

S/O: Aromantic Asexual (Claims as straight, anti-lgbtqia+)


Name: Nathan

Age: 15

Date of Birth: ???

Voice: N/A

Communication: Storytelling

S/O: ????

Bri Rhodez is a popular vlogger on a website platform for Arizona Photographers. They had somewhat around 18,000 'supportive' followers, from which they got shared constantly, leading them to even more popularity. They did make a handful of friends there as well, most of them started the conversation since Bri weren't really the type of person to go on to people and befriend them so easily, but they did let out their feelings and interests a whole lot after they get to know the person even a tiny bit. One of them, of which, was a kid named Nathan or they'd say his name is at least, who started a conversation with Bri about one of their posts, which led them to start talking about their specific interests, and eventually becoming online best friends. Nathan was rather a stranger kid, they would ask ton about Bri's personal life, not going too beyond the boundaries, most of them were asked about their social life like what kind of friends they have, what their family members were like etc. They also wouldn't lend out any of their personal information, all Bri really knows about them, is that, they're quite an artistic 15 year old, who lives in a town with their parents, in an apartment on a busy street, although that does seem like "enough", for Bri it really doesn't seem like it.... But, they actually, think they're quite similar to them, both of them do share their ADHD problems, being non-binary, artistic features, and more. Apart from their online life, they didn't go out that much, unless it's for school, they liked to stay insides more, they were very passionate about photographing, so, they'd gather random objects from around the house, or their own room, and snap some pictures with them, they honestly, preferred not having their photographed pictures edited, they preferred any of their pictures unedited, but it just felt like, their own pictures are so much better with it edited. Bri has severe BDD(means, they can't stop thinking about the flaws in their appearence) and photoshops every picture of themselves they post online, watching tons of tutorials for editing tips and stuff, that's one of their main reasons for not going outside, because, most of their peers who follow them, would see what she "actually looks like" and the consequences couldn't be good. Most of their family didn't know about their online life, but their parents did try to cheer them up from their thoughts, they even agreed to them dying their hair in vibrant, bright colors, they wanted to make them even a bit more happy. Bri's parents eventually decided to lend them in photography class, which Bri
wasn't so sure at first, but soon after, they enjoyed it a lot, meeting new people who shared the same hobby, getting editing tips from some people, learning amazing new tricks to make their photos way better, really cheered them up. One day, like so, they were walking down the alleyway back home from photography class, they just got out and took a turn, when their phone got a notification, it was a text from Nathan, Bri read it under their breath "Hey.... did you en-" before she could finish she got a call from the background, a dark chubby girl with fluffy medium brown hair came across them "hey, you know, you're on the highway, you should try focusing on the road a little more." she said it with a smile and in a tone that didn't sound as rude at all. "Oh" Bri stopped to think and put the phone back in their pocket "yea... you're right. Thanks." "It's okay! Did you get back from the photography school?" "yea, why?" "You're Bri, right? Bri rodez? You're pretty talented, I must say. I love the colors you pick for your pictures!" "Oh, uhhhhh yea, thanks! And you?" "Avery! Avery Martin. I can send you a Message if that's fine" Bri agreed to it, and the two started becoming friends, they were talking, hanging out, sharing editing tips with each other which... eventually led to a romantic interest between them and they started dating. Bri didn't exactly tell anyone about them being Biromantic except Nathan and Avery obviously, their parents did sense something between Bri and Avery but never exactly questioned it.

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