Los Campos Elíseos

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Two months later, Andrés, María, Martín, and Jakov were on their way to Paris. When they arrived at the Champs-Élysées, they drove slowly, they parked near the Jardin des Champs-Élysées. Andrés got, opened the door for María, Jakov got out, as Martín was getting out of the truck Andrés said

"Stay in the truck Martín, you'll be our driver, you know this place more than any of us, if something goes wrong, you will know how to get us out of here

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"Stay in the truck Martín, you'll be our driver, you know this place more than any of us, if something goes wrong, you will know how to get us out of here."

Martín looked at Andrés shocked, "But-"

"Martín please..... Do it for me....."

Martín closed the door of the truck and sat back. He couldn't believe it, this was their heist, and he was the one staying behind. They had been planning this heist for two years, and as always, he was the one getting all the "fun part". "First the wife, then I have to finish the work, after SHE gets to be part of OUR plan and now this?!?! Why do I have to be the one in the car, I invented the plan for fuck's sake!" Martín mumbled to himself.

 "First the wife, then I have to finish the work, after SHE gets to be part of OUR plan and now this?!?! Why do I have to be the one in the car, I invented the plan for fuck's sake!" Martín mumbled to himself

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Andrés looked at María and Jakov, he gave him a map of the city.

"Ok, María will go Southwest, I will go Southeast, Jakov you go North, that way you will be coming from the opposite way and if we get caught, the chances of you being suspicious will be low. With that being said, María and I will look at the diamonds, then you disguised as our delivery clerk, after we have stolen the diamonds, we will put them in a box, which you will take in the back alley where Martín will be waiting for us.

Andrés rubbed his hands together

"Alright! Let the hunt begin!" They split up

A couple minutes later, Andrés and María were walking around the Grand Palais Éphémère "examining" the diamonds. Once in a while, Andrés would turn his head to look at his wife, she would smile shily, and he would smirk back. He loved her so much, sometimes he couldn't believe that she was HIS wife. Then he would walk past her and whisper something in her ear, she would giggle, after they would continue their job. As he was walking around, he made eye contact with another woman, a red head, she smiled at him, he smiled back. 3 hours went by, Andrés had managed to steal 295 diamonds and María had stolen 139 diamonds, which led them to a total of 434 diamonds, they put them in small boxes while Jakov was packing them in the truck. 

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