Chapter 1: Return

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Lucy"so why do we need to escort you?"

Medea"the area we're going to is very dangerous for me to go alone dear"

Erza"and this is for a friend of yours?"

Medea"why of course, she and I have known each other for a long time and I'll finally be able to help her with this spell"

Gray"how far do we need to go for this..?"

Natsu"ugh... I'm hungry..."


Team Natsu we're all currently escorting a witch that goes by the name of Medea a very powerful wizard that goes and do what she wants out of guilds doing her own things

Lucy"but why is it so shady here..?"

Medea"this forest is dim like this all the time even if the sun is in full shine this place will stay dim from its light, oh there it is"

Medea stopped in her tracks pointing at an eerie looking cave that had a chilling wind blowing out of it

Erza"this cave?"


Gray"there's something off about this place"

Happy"there's even an ominous wind coming out"


Medea"not yet Salamander until I get to what's in the cave you are free to go"


Erza"if that's the case let's keep moving"

Hesitantly and with a deadly glare from Erza they made their way inside the cave as it got colder and colder

Lucy"It's cold in h-here"

Medea"well it's probably due to built up mana"

Suddenly a huge roar was sent echoing throughout the cave scaring Lucy and Happy and making Natsu look in surprise

Gray"the hell was that!?"


Happy"IT'S A MONSTER!!!"

Natsu"that's no monster! I recognize that roar from anywhere, IT'S A DRAGON!!!"

Erza"Natsu it's probably just a S-class beast now don't let your guard down"

Medea"oh no, he's right it's a dragon"

Natsu then ran forward ahead of everyone as they also followed in pursuit before stopping in front of a huge dragon before them that had white scales, a crimson main down it's back as well bright crimson winds as it looked at them

Natsu"IT IS A DRAGON!!!"


Gray"and it's a huge one as well!"

Medea"Irene! I have great news, I found away to seal them!"

The dragon's eyes widened before she got up from her spot and walked towards Medea

Erza"what do you mean seal them?"

Medea"hush now no talking while I'm doing the spell"

Medea then grabbed out a wand before also bringing out ink and going to the dragon and drawing a magic circle on her stomach and placing her hand on the circle of the dragon's stomach before the entire cave started glowing a bright purple

Medea"bind this forbidden curse and revert this fair maiden to who she once was before this wicked and disastrous seed made its way into her life reckoning it for her and her beloved!"

Breaking the curses (Fairy Tail x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now