Something like a prologue

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Having woken up at five in the morning, I was quite tired.

I've never been up from so early before, but this time I had a quite good reason.

Because, you see, if you have such incredible luck as mine, to have the greasy bat of the dungeons for father, who doesn't trust you enough to let you go to Hogwarts on the Hogwarts Express, then you don't have many choices.

Wait, you're not catching me, right? Well then, let's take it from the beginning.

My name is Alexandra (pronounced Ah-leh-xah-drah), but because it's kinda hard for some people to pronounce it, I prefer to be called Alex. Actually, this decision was taken (by me, of course) when a five-year-old called me Alexendera (something like Ah-leh-xah-ndeh-rah) instead of Alexandra.

I don't remember how he pronounced it, but it sounded more like he was swearing at me, so... yeah.

But of course, daddy wouldn't mind what I wanted, as always.

Oh, wait, you're not catching me again, right?

When I say daddy (ironically, of course. I haven't -honestly- called him that since I was seven, and it pisses him off when I mock him like that), I mean Severus Snape, the infamous Potions Master at Hogwarts. Also known as the greasy bat of the dungeons. Yes, he the most hated professor of Hogwarts happens to be my daddy.

You said you had bad luck? Do you want to compare with me?

I suppose that this is the part where I say that no, he isn't as bad as he seems, and he's just misunderstood, right?

Well, I didn't have him as a teacher yet, but I've been at Hogwarts many times before, and the things I've heard about him aren't the best.

And that's probably the reason I despite him that much: I heard the others' opinion for him before I could make mine, and since then, it stayed in my head, unwilling to leave.

He said that they've brainwashed me. Whatever that means.

Yet I think that he's not as bad as they say.

He's pretty much caring, I guess. He'll be the first one to notice if I feel uncomfortable or if I'm not feeling well, and most of the times he knows how to make me feel better. Sometimes he can be soft and sweet, and many times I'm not sure how I should be feeling for him.

I mean he's... he's my dad... I should love him without letting anything to poison my feelings for him.

Yet I do.

And I don't know why.

Now, back to the point!

Because of my birthday being on October 18, I didn't have my invitation letter recieved on that day. Instead, it came sometime in July. Merlin knows which day.

Or maybe dad.

On that day, whichever it was, I got really excited. Dad really hates it when I start jumping around the house like an idiot so, when the letter came, I started jumping as I had never jumped before, getting sure that I did pass in front of him quite frequently.

It was really funny. He was really funny. No, his expressions were really funny. He seemed like he couldn't decide if he was happy or relieved or annoyed or angry.

Happy because my letter came.

Relieved because he got sure that I wasn't a squib, even if I had already performed magic quite a lot times before.

Annoyed because of my jumping.

Angry because he didn't like it when I was jumping around, and even if I knew it, I kept doing it anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2015 ⏰

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