chapter one

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*6 years later*

"Come on baby! We gotta hurry up if you don't wanna be late for school," I shouted, hoping Antonia would hear me from her room. Today was Monday which meant that I had to drop her off at school, go to work, and then Harry would pick her up after school.

It was his week which meant I had a lot more time to get some work done and do some organizing at the office. I loved getting ahead for the next week so I could have more time to spend with Antonia when she was staying with me.

"I'm here and ready Mama!" my wonderful daughter said, standing in front of me. She was wearing some light blue shorts, topped with a white shirt that had a green frog on it, representing her favorite Disney movie.

"Your bags packed?" She nodded in response. "You ready to go to Dad's tonight? You'll have so much fun right, Toni?"

Toni was the nickname that I tended to call her since Antonia was pretty, but very long. It was mainly only used when I needed her attention or if she wasn't listening to me.

Harry liked to call her Tina, after Tiana from Princess and the Frog. When Antonia was little, she would make us watch that movie with her almost every single day, but she could never pronounce Tiana.

She would call her Tina, not being able to pronounce the first 'a' so Harry started to call her Tina instead of Toni. It was one of the things that bonded the two of them together and Harry and Antonia had such a special bond because of it.

"Why can't I stay with you again this week Mama?" Toni asked me, making me confused as to why she didn't want to go to Harry's tonight. She was normally so excited but this time she seemed disappointed.

"Why baby? You don't wanna go to your Dad's this week?" I asked, kneeling down so I was eye level to her. She looked down at her hands with a sad expression on her face and I was confused about why she was sad.

"Dad's never at home anymore," Toni said, looking at me. "It's always the stupid nanny who's with me and I don't like her. She never plays with me."

I knew Harry said he had a new project which was why he was so busy but I didn't want Toni to have to suffer through it. It was one thing when it was only a few days but if it was happening every day, then maybe I needed to talk to Harry.

"How about this Toni, I'll talk to your dad tonight and I'll try and get him to spend more time with you okay?" I hoped that she would take this offer so that I could get her to school without her being late.

It was already 8 which meant that school was starting in fifteen minutes and there would definitely be traffic. I always tried to get her to school on time but sometimes it was a struggle since I lived farther away from the elementary school than Harry did.

We tried to find the closest one that was in the middle of both of our apartments but this school just happened to be closer to Harry's place than mine.

"Okay Mama let's go!" Toni said, grabbing her backpack and putting it on before walking over to the door, waiting for me to grab my keys and purse. I told Toni to put her shoes on, snapping the velcro on before I took her over to the car, buckling her in.

I drove over to Toni's school, dropping her off and telling her to have a good day. I watched her run into school, and then picked up my phone and called Harry. The phone rang until someone finally picked up, a feminine voice coming through the phone.

"Hi, this is Megan Malik. How may I help you today?" the voice said, making me confused as to who was talking.

"Hi, is Harry there? It's Sawyer Imami, I'm Antonia's mom," I explained, hoping she would realize who I was and let me talk to Harry.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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