The mission (5)

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A/N y'all are gonna be so happy with this chapter

You woke up the next morning tired from the night before. You decided to take a shower since you probably smelled. You got in the shower and scrubbed everything, making a mental note to go to planned parenthood later and make sure that guy didn't give you any nasty diseases. You definitely weren't going to call him so once you got out of the shower you through his number away. You put on a pair of athletic shorts and a sports bra. You ran downstairs to make sure you'd make it in time for breakfast.
"Hey dad" you said as you got downstairs
"Hey hun" your dad said with that look on his face
"Ugh, another mission, where's to this time, who's all going?" You asked
"A hydra base and everyone but you and Peter" tony said
"Really dad, your leaving me and Peter alone? Why can't someone else stay too? Or why can't I go?" You said complaining
"Look y/n, im sorry but it's only for three days" tony said
"Ok, well at least happy will still be here" you said
"Actually, he'll be on vacation" tony said
"UGH!" You yelled
You scarfed down your food wanting to get out of there before you started to get worse news.
"May I be excused?" You asked
"Of course" tony said

You went up to your room and changed so you can go train. You were gonna see if anyone was in there training but you imagined they wouldn't be and would have left by now but you still decided to go train.

As you walked into the training room sure enough no one was there. You decided to run on the treadmill for bit until you heard someone walking in.
"Hey cupcake" peter said
"Ugh, what do you want?" You asked him
"I just wanted to train" he said
"You think with everyone gone and it only being two people in this huge building I could be alone" you said
"Ya, we'll maybe if there was more than one training room" Peter said
"Ok, we'll I'm gonna go" you said wanting to get out of there

You went back to your room and took a shower. It would normally be time for lunch but since no one's was there, there wouldn't be any food. After you changed into some comfy clothes you went down to the kitchen. You made a grilled cheese. It was one of the only things you could cook. You could bake a few things too though.
"Hey cupcake" peter said walking over to you
"Ugh. What do you want now" you said
"Just some food" peter said taking a bite of your grilled cheese
"Hey! What the fuck? I was gonna eat that" you yelled
"Sorry cupcake, I'm hungry. It's pretty good" he said
"Fuck you Peter Parker" you said
"Only in your dreams cupcake" he said
"Since you are my grilled cheese could you should at least make me one" you said
"Ok, ok. This is the only time I will ever cook for you" he said

He finished cooking you a grilled cheese. You won't lie it was the best grilled cheese you've had in a long time.
"Thanks Parker" you said
"Yep, now we're even" he said
You finished the grilled cheese and ran to your room

When you got to your room you put on grey's anatomy and sat down to watch it. Soon enough you got bored and decided to bake. You were really good at making pies so you were gonna make an apple pie.
"Friday, please get apples, eggs, and brown sugar delivered" you said
"Of course Ms.y/n" Friday said

Before you even realized it, the food was there. You walked down to the kitchen pleased to see Peter wasn't there. You put on your favorite Spotify playlist and turned the sound on your air-pods. You started to make your homemade pie crust. It was a secret recipe of yours but it was amazing. You hadn't decided yet if you were gonna share any with Peter. You started singing to your favorite song whilst continuing to make the pies. You finally got done with the pie crust so you started to make the filling as someone said
"Hey cupcake, what ya making" Peter said
"I was trying to make pies alone and I'm peace" you said
"Sorry to disturb you then, but you think I could get a slice later?" Peter said
"Depends, to eat it you gotta help" you said thinking about the broken promise to Wanda decided to maybe fix it
"I mean, we kinda hate each other though" Peter said
"I'm down to forget about that till after we make the pie" you said
"Ok then, but now I want half the pie" Peter said
"Deal, i didn't need all those calories anyway" you said
"Maybe you aren't so bad parker" you said
"Maybe you aren't so bad mini stark" Peter said
"At least that nickname is better than cupcake" you said
"Don't worry cupcake I'm gonna switch between the two" Peter said laughing

You had actually had a pretty good time with Peter. The incident was so long ago and to be fair you did start the prank wars after that during high school. Your best friend MJ was friends with him and always said he was nice and you should give him another chance. You made a mental note to call MJ later and see if she's in town or can make a trip down from college. You had wanted to go but your dad said there was no reason for you to and that you'd be an avenger till you retired or died. There honestly wasn't really a reason for you to go. Your dad had made lots of money from stark industries and that money wasn't stopping any time soon.

You heard someone knock while you were still in that train of though.
"Come in" you said
"Hey mini stark" peter said
"Hey Parker, watcha need" you said
"I wanted to say I had fun making pies today" peter said
"Ya, me too. Anything else" you asked seeing a look on his face telling you there was more
"Ya actually. Ya know a while back MJ told me why you hated me so much and I just wanted to say I'm sorry, for everything. We probably would've made good friends if we weren't so busy hating each other" peter said
"I'm sorry too. I've done some things I shouldn't have either. Maybe let's try to be friends, I was gonna invite MJ over soon and we could freak her out by acting really close" you said with a smile
"I'm down. Just let me know" peter said
"Ok, also I'm about to go out for a bit. I'll be back before it gets too late" you said
"Cool, where are you going?" Peter asked
"Planned parenthood. Gonna make sure that tool of a guy didn't give me any disease" you said getting off the bed
"Ya, that's a good idea. He honestly looked like a bit of a tool" Peter said
"Bye Parker, see ya later" you said leaving with Peter following you

You got to planned parenthood and got tested. Sure enough he didn't give you any diseases so you're still clean. You got in your car and sat down to get on your phone before you pulled out into the New York traffic.

On the way back you decided to call MJ and see if she could come over and hangout tomorrow. You pulled out your phone and dialed her number. *ring, ring*
"Hey y/n" you heard MJ say over the phone
"Hey babes, how are you?" You said
"I'm doing good, I miss you so much" Mj said
"That's why I was calling. I miss you too so I was wondering if you'd be down to hang out anytime soon?" You said
"Of course I can! Is tomorrow good?" Mj said
"Of course babes! I'm so excited we'll have to have some girl talk and watch some good movies" you said excited
"You know it, I have to do some studying to make sure im able to come over tomorrow so I gotta go, love ya" Mj said
"Love ya too babes" you said

You finally got back home and you were exhausted. You went up to your room but stopped yourself and decided to knock on peter's door just to let him know you made it back. You knew he'd probably call your dad if you weren't home soon.
"Hey Parker, can I come in" you said while knocking on the door
"All ways mini stark" peter said
You walked in and didn't expect him to be in just his boxers
"Hey, just wanted to let you know I made it back so you wouldn't call my dad or something" you said making sure to keep your eyes on his face trying your hardest not to look down his torso at his incredibly toned body
"Well I'm glad you made it back. I'm guessing your clean cause you seem happy" he said
"Definitely, I'm probably gonna stick to not sleeping with anymore tools though. I don't feel like risking it that much again" you said
"Ya, that's probably a good idea" Peter said
"We'll goodnight Parker" you said
"Good night mini stark" peter said
"Oh also I called Mj in the car. She'll be coming by tomorrow morning and staying for the day" you said
"That's Great! I've missed her" Peter said
"I know, she's my best friend though Parker so back the fuck off. We'll be having girl talk for a bit then you can come hangout" you said
"That's fine with me. Goodnight y/n" he said
"Goodnight Parker" you said leaving the room

He was so incredibly hot. You didn't know what was happening but all you knew was new feelings were coming about for him. So far when you and him aren't fighting he was nice and honestly a great friend. You could finally see why MJ like him so much. You put on some pjs and fell asleep around 12am.

Hey everyone. I just wanted to thank you for all the love on my book. The ranks are so much higher than I would have ever expected. I'm so thankful for you all and grateful. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm working this book up to their love story but I'm doing a semi slow burn. I think this is one of the best chapters so far too. Thank you all and I love you all so much🫶
Word count: 1798

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