Thought #9?

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No idea if the whole egg thing is still going on.  But.  If it's still there, I want everyone who isn't controlled by the egg that has had encounters with the egg to be the ones to destroy it.  For instance, karl, he died in a tales episode to the egg and had his situation a while back when bad was trying to get quackity to join the egg that one time. 

Part of me is just wishing that karl will develop some sort of power that's like his own type of vines.  But his vines are black and white and hiw he gets the power is from the guardians of the inbetween and other side (or whatever they are called)  to help him with it in their own ways and he gets his own type of thing from the dead people from the tales set in the past.  And his vines overtake the egg's vines and the get destroyed or like disintegrate.

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