Chapter 3

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*flashback*(Jessa's pov)

We sped along the side road, my dad humming along to the country music playing in the radio.

"Hey Dad, can you turn up the radio?" I asked. I loved this song even though I had never heard it before in my life.

"Anything for a northern ballet competition participant," my dad said.

Smiling, I glanced up just in time to see a deer dart out in front of the car.

During the exact moment my dad was looming down at the volume knob.

I screamed as we hit the deer head on and careened off the road into the trees. We tumbled over and over. I felt myself hit the seat in front of me, only to be jerked back by the seatbelt restraint. The airbags went off and I felt something warm running down the side of my face.

And that was the last thing I remembered before everything turned black.
*flashback over*

I gasped as my eyes flew open. What the hell just happened? That was the scariest dream I have ever had. I groaned and tried to roll over, but my sore body protested so I stayed where I was.

Wait what? Why was I sore. I actually took a real look at my surroundings and almost screamed. There was no doubt about it. I was in a hospital.

A dimly lit room, and I.V stand that was hooked up to me. Huh. I was in a bed with uncomfortable white sheets and there was a chair in one corner. There was also a plastic screen and a painting of who knows what. So yep, definitely a hospital.

Now that I knew where I was I just had to figure out why. Hospitals are for hurt people right? So why-

Oh. My. God.

The dream, well nightmare. It must have been real.

No. No. No. No. No.

This cannot be happening to me. I started to struggle and try to get up. I realized that the I.V was holding me back so I almost got it unhooked when my brother swooped in and fixed it.

"I don't think so," he said, sitting in the chair next to my so called bed. "You're staying right where you are."

Adam smiled wearily at me. He had bags beneath his eyes, like he hadn't been sleeping. There was just a tired aura around him, dragging everyone else down with him. Why was he like this? I mean I know we crashed, and we are definitely going to have to get the car repaired, but otherwise we're all ok so what is the big deal?

I decided to question my brother.

"Adam?"I asked.


"What happened?Where's Mom and Dad? How long have I been in the hospital? What day is it? When can I leave?"

Adam chuckled quietly.

"Well, obviously you were in a car crash. A bad one. You've been in here for four days so it's May 14th. The doctors said that you should be cleared in a week at most."

"Ok." I said.

"Alright,"he replied. "If that is it there are a few things I have to do."

"Like what, Adam?" I asked. Surprisingly Adam looked stricken.

"Oh my god Adam what is it? What won't you tell me?" I asked, my voice rising with every word.

It suddenly dawned on me.

"Adam," I said. "You didn't answer one of my questions."

"Oh yeah, which one," he asked, daring me to think the one thing I didn't want to even consider.

"Where are Mom and Dad?" I asked, confident that I would get the answer that I wanted.

Adam looked surprised that I had even asked. He shook his head, as if to clear his mind, then asked me-
"You want to know where Dad and Mom are Jessa?"

"Yes," I replied, breathless with fear. "Where are they?"

Adam blurted out the one thing I dreaded hearing.

"They're gone, Jessa."

He hesitated a moment before adding-

"They're dead."


Dun dun duuuuun
How was that? Jessa found out her parents are dead. Not the happiest chapter but I had to put it in. Sorry it took so long I had just gotten back from break when I started this chapter so I had like no time to finish it. Anyways, this story has almost 50 views which is crazy, I thought it would get like 2!!! So I decided that I want comments so if you leave a nice comment and maybe a star plz then I will try to figure out how to respond to that and then I will give you a great shout out at the beginning of my next chapter yay! Wow that was a really long a/n so I doubt anyone read this far.But anyways if you did or even if you didn't ILY. Please no haters, until next time

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