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Senior year had rolled around, and that came with prom. It was the middle of May and prom was set in a few weeks. Tweek nervously paced back and forth in his bedroom, praying to God Craig wouldn't ask him to go. The two had been dating since childhood, so Tweek knew Craig more than likely would but Tweek was scared of one thing.

Social anxiety.

When Tweek was young, his mother explained how his father asked her out to prom and how she wore an elegant gown and slow danced and how the both of them were voted prom king and queen. To younger Tweek, the experience sounded lovely but as an 18 year old with major anxiety, it sounded nerve-racking. Having all those people stare at you and judge you on what you wear and how you dance? And how much attention you get when you and your date are voted prom queen and king? That's way too much pressure. 

So yea, Tweek didn't want Craig to ask. Tweek loved his partner to death, but was afraid to embarrass him, something that Tweek always believed since they've been together. 

Tweek checked the clock. 2:36 am. Fuck. The coffee kept Tweek up again. He sighed, knowing he wasn't gonna get any sleep but he turned off the light and stared at the ceiling, waiting for the next day.


The next morning Tweek woke up and proceeded his normal routine. Dressed. Teeth. Deodorant. Breakfast. Coffee. Bike to school. Tweek arrived fifteen minutes before his first class and waited in the cafeteria, fiddling with the fidget toys Craig got for him.

Then Craig sat next to the blonde boy and rested his head on the table.

Craig yawned. "Morning, honey."

Tweek smirked. "What's up with you?? Normally I'm the one tired but this is different for you, GNGh!"

Craig sat up. "Yeah, let's just say I got something special for you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Craig went silent, with nothing but a smile on the boy's face.


Craig chuckled. "Well I can't tell you, babe! Or else it'll ruin the surprise."

Tweek lifted his hand and compulsively started twirling his hair. He did this when he was deep in thought about something, but sometimes it got out of hand and caused him to pull his hair out.

Craig lifted his hand and pushed Tweek's hand down. "Don't do that. Look, I know surprises aren't your thing but I really wanna do this for you, okay! And if you say no, then that's alright, too." The boy in blue gave a warm smile.

Say no? Say no to what?

The bell rang and Craig stood up. "Gotta go, my class is upstairs." Craig bent down to kiss his boyfriend's cheek, then walked away calling, "See you at lunch, honey!"

Tweek stood up after Craig walked out of the cafeteria, walking the opposite direction. Tweek's hand resumed its position in his blonde hair, twirling his hair between his fingers. Tweek really didn't want Craig to do what he think he was.


Lunch came and Tweek sat alone at their table. Where was everyone? Normally Tolkien's the first one here, since he's usually one of the first ones to get in the lunch line.

Then Scott Malkinson came and sat next to Tweek, plopping a brown paper sack on the table. Tweek was confused as to why Scott was here, given that Tweek was never best buddies with him.

Scott opened a baggie that contained his peanut butter sandwich. Then out of nowhere, Scott went, "Craig's gonna asth you out to prom."


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