chapter 1 = someone familiar

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A sunny morning after the rain last night there is an apartement and then there a boy with a blue hair and he's still wearing his sleep clothes and that boy was michael (big brother/BB)

Michael (big brother/BB) POV
I feel so tired because I cant sleep last night and the ghost are still bothering me, im making a breakfast, today breakfast it's egg and a sandwich.

After making the breakfast I see my phone are ringing and it was a message from keith (boyfriend/BF)

Chat = boyfriend/keith

Hey big bro

Hey little bro what's up

Very good big bro

That's great
So what's with the the talk
Little bro

Me and gf are gonna doing a little rest
After travelling for a rap battle
Can we go visit your apartement
Big bro??

Sure bro, plus it's
Been a long time we didn't
Hangout together 😊

Thanks bro ❤
I gotta go now, gf are calling me
Bye big bro❤

Bye little bro❤

After chat (still michael POV)

im done chatting with keith and now im eating my breakfast before it's Cold and then i take a bath/shower because I smell myself very stinks.

After eating the breakfast and take a bath im sitting in the couch, I see it's still 8:35 AM and im a little sleepy and then im falling asleep

In michael (big brother/BB) dream

I cant see something, it's kinda blury to see it what is it. The fog are already clear very clear and I see something and I kinda reconize it and I see a guy have one wings...

... It's him. The guy who shot me. That fallen angel. I see him holding a guns in her hand and the guns are POINTING AT ME, OH NO IT'S HE TRYING TO KILL ME. AGAIN!!! And then he's trying to shot me and...


After Dreaming (still michael POV)

I woke up with a shoked looks at my face, im panting fast because of the nightmare I have, i kinda worry if he's comeback again after he kill twice a few weeks ago. After woke up from those nightmare I stand up and seeing some pictures of me and older brother and my little bro smiling and very happy but I still kinda worry about he's comeback again and try to kill me... Again

In the outside (still Michael pov)

Im going outside for fresh air Because I need it after the nightmare i have, but still it's make me feel trauma about it and i have to act fine about it so i can calm myself down for a bit. I walking until to the park and i suddenly bump into someone and he's covered him self with her jacket. He's falling after the bump i try to help him standing i lift my hand for him so he can standing

"Are you ok!" i said and he grab my hand and he already standing, and i kinda feel that he's very familiar to someone but i don't know who is it

"I'm very sorry i didn't mean to bump into you, im never realizing it that you in front of me" i said sorry to him because doesnt noticed what's in from of me

"No it's fine im sorry too" she said with her face covered up I feel that Im kinda know him and I said

"Do I know you?" I kinda asking that he know me or not

"Umm...I-Im s-sorry but I-i don't k-know who a-are you actualy" she said it with feeling nervous

"Im sorry i gotta go" he said with fast and running away from me, he look very familiar

"He look very familiar, but who" i said to myself that i kinda feel reconize him somewhere

Im walking to the park and i see an icecream stand, so Long that i never eat ice cream since the Incident that day. Im going to the ice cream stand for order
"I want ice cream taste chocolate and blueberry" I order ice cream with my favorite taste I like chocolate and blueberry, the ice cream man said "ok order up" with a tune of happiness. Im waiting until the ice cream is ready

"Here your ice cream sir" the ice cream are ready with cherry on top of it I realy like it

"Thank you and have a nice day sir" I left the ice cream stand and im sitting in the park and ready to eat my ice cream. Im eat it kinda slow because it's very cold and it's tasty, i like it and i eat it until the cone it's empty. Im already done eating it and im about to walk home but suddenly i see a guy falling from the ground and i help him

"Are you ok" i lift my hand to help and he grab it with her other hand

"Thank you very much" the guy said thanks to me but... Something make me reconize him and i think of it, when im done thinking im then look at him and shock that...

Him it's the killer!!!

But he different he wearing a different clothes and with a lustfull face and he wearing a high heels and look like a neon and her hair it's black with a line color pink and blue

"Hey are you alright, why are you looking at me like that" i then space out for a bit and i ask him

"What your name" i ask her name and he said...

"Oh my Name it's armaros, im from another universe/mod call neo mod"
He said that he from another universe/mod call neo mod and it make me shock what i heard that he from another universe/mod, oh my f*cking god it's this realy true it's hard to believe it that he from another universe/mod but look like he telling the truth

TBC (to be continued)

Hey fella creator it's here so what do you think, sorry if the story chapter too short because this is my first time making story hehe... Anyways i hope you enjoyed it and

A bonus fanart this fanart it's not mine i just foud it it's very cute if they wearing an animal suit

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A bonus fanart this fanart it's not mine i just foud it it's very cute if they wearing an animal suit

Well i hope you guys enjoy😊 well see you at the next chapter✌👋 bye

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