A Rainy Evening

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Pitter-patter, pitter-patter. The sound of the heavy raindrops hitting the stone slabs outside the entrance to the giftshop was like an evening greeting to the two shopkeepers. Electricity was cut from the rain so the television or their cellphones wasn't much of use. They were bored out of their minds, as the two even shared turns in dozing off to kill the time. There was barely any customer for the morning and the afternoon, and their Boss had special work to attend to so the two had to look after their business for over half of the day already. The rain only seemed to get heavier and it didn't look like it was going to end any time soon. It's not like they have to leave the shop either, they could just spend the night here. They already locked the main entrance and close the shop for the day, so they are mainly chilling with eachother in the dark. Even outside of work, the boy didn't have much to talk about, while the girl was constantly bringing up conversation topics. This cycle between the two had went on without trouble since they really didn't seem to mind at all
"Edgaaar! I'm bored!"
The usually-manic but now unentertained and discontent with their lack of time-killing method white-haired stalker girl tugged onto the uniform of a scarfed teenage boy and started pulling to get his attention

 This cycle between the two had went on without trouble since they really didn't seem to mind at all"Edgaaar! I'm bored!"The usually-manic but now unentertained and discontent with their lack of time-killing method white-haired stalker girl tugged...

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"You think you're the only one bored out of their mind here...?"
The boy exhaustedly responded, seemingly cluesless as to how he should deal with his partner. As the constant pulls of the female co-worker continues on, the boy was also fairly annoyed, yet he only let out a sigh. This went on until...
A flash of lightning lighted up the dimly lit giftshop and accompanying it was the loud booming sound of thunder, cracking open the rainy dark sky and the girly squeal of someone who was scared her skin. The moment that the thunder passes was also when the teenage boy found a person shivering under the cashier counter that he was sitting at
"Wh-How did you get down here so quick?!"
The boy didn't seem to move an inch from the loud thunder yet he was surprised at the fact that his friend hid right under him in a blink of an eye
"You're this old and still scared of thunder ?"
The boy was struggling to hold in his laughter. In response, the girl imidiately retorted....
"No I'm n- AHHH!"
...only to be objected by the thing that she is undoubtedly scared of. The boy breaks into laughter as it was beyond his tolerance. He really didn't have any regards for the fear of his friend right under him. The girl only curled up, hugging what is assumes to be a small pink scrapbook, taking her look away from the boy
The boy didn't really mind whatever she calls him as he still saw it as childish. But as he just sat there and spent his time looking away from the girl while the rain and thunder outside just seems to never stop, he heard the little sniffles coming from under the counter
Is she crying...?
The boy thought to himself, turning his attention back to the curled-up co-worker of his who is just seemingly hugging herself at the time being. The boy, although he himself was unfazed by all this, the back of his emo-teenager brain was in a state of disapproval. It just strangely felt wrong even to him and this feeling had impacted the psychic link he had with his scarf, forcing it to give him a strong slap on the head
"OW! What was that for?!"
The scarf that is wrapped around his neck stood up as it consciously controls it's own thick silky threads similar to fingers on a hand . The scarf itself pointed at the boy, then to the white-haired girl who is still crying and sobbing. The teenage boy finally got a grip of the situation. It wasn't just the ear-breaking thunder , but also the cold rain, the wooden floor beneath her, the overwhelming darkness of the giftshop due to the eletricity being out thanks to the storm and him... To the girl, it was no less than a haunted house and he knows that his co-worker isn't the type to actually not be scared of ghosts either (even if ghosts would be more scared of her). Maybe It wasn't the brightest idea to tease her and let her stay under the counter....
"Ugh... Do I really have to say the S-word...?"
The boy asked as if he was calling out for help, begging for a different option if there was any. Nearly a minute have passed and there was simply no response but the same shivers and quiet little sniffles from the girl. The silence between the two made it really awkward for the him, he really should be the one to act at this point
"Ugh... Fine!"
He kneeled and crawled under the counter with the girl. It was just a small space with the two of them, along with the endless darkness surrounds them, creating an endless void with the only visible thing in it being the two. The only light source, the little candle that was above their heads, barely radiant but enough for the boy to see. The girl was still crying, alone, cold and scared of her surroundings. The boy silently reaches out to her with his telekinetic scarf, wrapping it around the girl's body as to give her warmth. His lips were shaking, not from the cold, but from the sheer stubborness of his head. Yet, the boy was capable of muttering the words that he wanted to tell her

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