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one. the end is synonymous for a new beginning


The symbiotic relationship of male leads and the romance genre is one of a kind.

They are an irreplaceable existence appearing in different forms, despite being the secondary main character, they are the heart of most stories told through the minds of various female leads that exist both outside and inside of a book.

"But the heart of [The Beloved of the Gifted] is definitely not its main male lead, Selenus Asterion. He's so boring!!! All he knows is how to be handsome and possessive. The other male leads are far more interesting with charming personalities and understandable intentions! And I really thought that the swordmaster would be the male lead!" Choi Minjae complained while leaning against his chair.

In the quiet classroom of a high school, many students were bored by the repetitive lecture given by the teacher so some of them spent their time chatting with each other. Choi Minjae and his friend, Han Sora, who sat on the desk beside him, were the same.

They were currently talking about the popular web novel, [The Beloved Lady of the Gifted]. The content of this novel was of a magical academy and how the commoner female lead, Carissa Gelhart, had the chance of a lifetime to enter such a prestigious academy because of her powerful magic. And there she captured the hearts of several men around her. It was a simple story with a fine execution of fantastical elements. But after the story reached its end, the peaceful fandom of that novel suddenly soared into complaints after complaints. The main complaint was about the endgame pairing of the main couple of the novel: Carissa and Selenus.

"Selenus is a loser who only sees the ideal version of Carissa and never tries to get to know the real her. He is easily swayed by others, has no chemistry with her, is very stupid despite being a top student, has only his class status with him and...am I getting to worked up? Okay, okay! But I seriously thought that the swordmaster or the childhood friend would be a better fit for her! They actually sincerely love Carissa. But...ugh! Whatever. It's my fault reading this novel anyway." Minjae rambled and rambled and in the end he sighed.

"I know Minjae, you really loved this novel once! But I still like Selenus. I think Carissa would be pretty happy with him." Sora shrugged.

Minjae looked at Sora in a way that looked like he was talking to an absurd person.

"Happy, huh? You are acting like you personally know her. " He laughed.

And suddenly, the uncaring teacher at the front became aware of the voices that became a little loud and reached his ears. He glared at the disruptive students.

The Heart Of The Male Lead [BL]Where stories live. Discover now