Chapter 1{Station}

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As you running from on those infected you see a station you run in too

Cosmo:"is anyone here!?"

As you said that you here someone speaking in the microphone


As i am running from and unlocking all the doors trying not to get infected and running from the polar bear

You are running trying to sneak around not to attract any infected 

Cosmo:"i need to find the garage,wait i think i here something i need to hide quick"

Willow Pov

Willow:"what is that sound?"

Willow:"i think it sound like someone is unlocking stuff"

Willow:"I should call for help"

Willow:"HELP! HELP! HELP!!!"

Cosmo pov 

Cosmo:"i don't think that Noise is from a infected 

Cosmo:"still i need to be careful"

Cosmo sneakily goes to the place where he hears the shouting from

Cosmo:" it looks like it is coming from here"

Willow Pov

Willow:"I think i see someone"

Cosmo Pov

Cosmo:"I need to find who is it"

Cosmo Search all the cell on the bottom floor but there is no one is in there os he finally goes up stairs

Cosmo:"i think its up here"

Cosmo walks until the end of all the cell but the last one is different 

Cosmo finally find who is calling for help

Willow Pov

Willow:" there is someone still here"

Willow:"please let me out"

Cosmo Pov

Cosmo:"you are the wolf from my childhood that was in that allyway?!"

Cosmo:"Any sure i will help you"

Cosmo opens his bag and gets somestuff to open the lock on the jailcell

Cosmo:"finally i opened it"

Willow:"thank you for saving me"

Cosmo:"yeah,lets get moving there is a poler bear here"

Willow:"oh yeah"

Willow:"but how tho?"

Cosmo:"there is someone in the garage"

Willow:"i can help you to escape"

Cosmo:"Let's get going then"

You two finally open the garage but it empty

Cosmo:"that dog lied!"

Willow:"what dog?"

Cosmo:"he is the one who told me on the microphone to go here"

Willow:"we need to get out of here"

You two get out of the police station and go to find a safe place but first you need to get some supplies 

Cosmo:"lets go to the city first we need some supplies" and weapons"

Cosmo:"oh yeah,Willow you know how to use a gun by the way?"

Willow:"yeah why?"

Cosmo:"great then,here"

Cosmo gives the revolver that he found at the station

Willow:"how did you find this?"

I used it to stun that police,and i found it in the on of the office"


Cosmo:"save your thanks"

Cosmo:"lets get going to mall"




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