Chapter 2

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TW: Gore, a little bit of sexual stuff.

Y/N's POV:

"I am sorry Niki. I didn't mean to startle you." I apologize.

"It's alright. I accept your apology." She says with a sweet smile. I return the smile.

"So, what did you need?" Niki asks. "Oh, right! Can you come with me to the mall to grab some clothes for the mission?" I responded.

Niki's eyes sparkle with excitement. "Of course y/n!"

"You're the best, Niki! Should we ask Hannah and Puffy if they want to come since they might want to get some clothes as well." I say.

"I think they're busy and plus we can have some more time to spend together." She suggest to which I nod in agreement. . "Oh okay. That's fine, we don't want to disturb them. Come on Niki! We should leave now if we want to be back on time and plus I don't want the children knowing where we're going." Niki chuckles and agrees.

I grabbed Niki's hand and we walked to the front door, making small talk here and there. I didn't want the children hearing us as we were walking to the door so we tiptoed to the front door.

I heard Techno and some anonymous person talking, but I could care less about what they were talking about                                                                                                                                                                               

The mall was about a 20-ish minute walk, so we didn't take the car.

Niki is one of my best friends so she knew almost everything about me which makes it easier to talk to her about stuff I wouldn't usually tell people.

We were there in under 30 minutes. We entered the mall and we walked around for a few minutes.

Nothing caught my eye, but after what felt like hours we found a store.

Niki and I looked around and finally found something.

We walked up to an open cashier and I set the outfit on the table.

As I was about to pay, the cashier started talking to me. "So, how do you want to pay for this, little girl?" The man said. I glared at the man. I was about to be 21 in a month or so, I was not a child.

"Card." I spoke with venom laced in my mouth. I was not about to make a scene and get the police involved. Like hell I will.

I was already wanted and running in these heels doesn't sound fun. "Young lady, how old are you? 15?" He said laughing.

I scoff. This man is really getting on my nerves. If only I could slit his throat without making a scene.

"I am almost 21 for your information. Listen, just let me get what I need and we both can be on with our day." I spat.

"Okay, little girl. I'm going to need to see your ID to see if you really are 21." He says, yawning. I scoff again. This son of a bitch.

"Sir, here, use my card." Niki says, knowing that if he sees my ID we would be dead meat. I owe her one.

The cashier complies and gives me my bag of clothing. We walked out the store, hand in hand.

"That dude was a dick." I say. Niki chuckles. "By the way, thank you for doing that earlier. I owe you one." I smile at her and she returns it. "No problem."

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