Chapter 1||He's Levi

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For those of you that have been with me in this book journey with series of changes of titles, to change of names, changes of characters and everything. Thank you 🙏. Thank you so much for the patience. Everything is starting to fall in place now and it's better, I assure you 💯.

To new readers, thank you for choosing this book and getting to meet a part of Author hikmah.

On a bright mid summer day, the wind blew the scent of blooming flowers about and over, light breeze cools the atmosphere, the birds chirped, happiness buzzing in every bee..

Wait...that's not how it started. Sorry, here we go again.

On a dark cloudy end of fall, a bizarre wind danced around sending shivers to whomever it came upon. Dark grey clouds bombarded the sky...

Sorry, I'm just kidding that not how it started either. We're not some fairy tale people.

Now seriously, this was how it started.

"Omarrrrrrrrr!" I roared, forgetting I had a sore throat that I was supposed to be resting. I spat out the lozenge on my tongue on the floor and dropped the popsicle I just got from the fridge to massage my throat.

I stared into my open makeup drawer in disbelief and yelled again, "Omarrrrrrrrr!!!."

"Hahaha!" I heard his annoying cackling laughter from inside my bathroom.

Struggling to breath as I was overthrown with rage, I rushed towards the open bathroom door and inside but my feet slipped on the water I'm sure Omar had poured on it and I ended up sliding and falling, my head narrowly missing the pink tiled floor by a pin.

"No running on slippery floor sister akorede!" Omar was standing behind the door with his phone pointed at me, cackling with laughter. Snap! I heard his camera click continuously, his mouth opening simultaneously to let out his annoying cackling laughter.

Every hair on my body rose, rage drowning every nerve in my body as I stared at my foolish cousin Omar in his white T shirt and shorts, taking pictures like we were doing a modelling shot.

"Omarrrrrrrrr!" I yelled again. My voice now slightly clouded.

"Has anyone ever told you how pretty you look when you get angry?" He slowly backed out, the idiot continued taking pictures. I began dragging myself out of the water on the pink tiled floor feeling an ache in my butt.

"Shebi it's just lip gloss" he spun around as I got up completely and made to run out of my room.

He had barely ran two steps when I heard a loud bang as he slipped and fell too.

"Pfft pfft" I walked out of the bathroom, my anger slowly leaving my body as I suddenly burst into laughter seeing Omar on the floor holding his head and a broken phone beside him, and the half dissolved popsicle at his feet.

But my laughter was short lived as I started coughing because of my sore throat. Which was a pity because I would have made the biggest cackling laughter I could utter to mock Omar.

Omar still lay on the floor holding his head, I was heck sure he was close to tears.

I stopped coughing, "that's what you get for punching holes into all my lip glosses with a stupid perforator, and I'm not giving it back to you. Now get out" I kicked his ass with my foot.

"Ye ye ye ye ah " he hissed still holding his head, "Ah my phone" he noticed his broken phone screen for the first time and picked it up.

I was too satisfied with the karma to hit him anymore, so I shouted, even though it didn't come out as a shout, "Boy stand up and get out jooor. I'm buying new lip glosses with your allowance next week" I kicked him again with my socked feet before going to seat on my bed.

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