Chapter 9| heartbreak

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"Sandra's birthday is coming soon, next weekend" I told Alameen gently massaging his hand in mine.

"I never thought I would miss that party. Are you going?."

I shifted comfortably on his bed, "I have to be there for Sandra. You know sassy six. Even though we're not complete anymore. Mary and Jean are gone. They've written Nabteb and they didn't tell us. Now they've left us for kwasu."

Alameen laughed at the exaggeration in my tone. Alameen is finally almost fine again, he can talk perfectly, walk not so perfectly though he bends a little, but he can walk. I'm pretty sure they'll be discharging him soon. He's close to perfect again, his scars have healed, just little band aids here and there.

"Who are you going with then?. Jax?" He turned away from me.

"Sassy six. We're going together" I can't stop saying sassy six.

"Hm. I see" he took his hand from mine and turned his face to the door like he was expecting someone.

"Do you need anything?" His mother wasn't in the room, it was just me and him.

"No" he answered flatly.

Okay awkward. I started to feel a little out of place as I sat beside him on the bed. It felt as if he was disgusted with me or when you've seen too much of a person and now their presence irritates you.

But maybe I'm overthrown it. Just because he's not looking at me doesn't mean he might be tired of me. Right?. Even though he's been doing it for the past few days now.

There was a brief knock on the door and it opened, "Sorry is this Alameen's room?. Oh there he is."

The tall figure of a light skinned lady came fully into view. She was putting on a bright yellow outfit consisting of a crop top and palazzo pants, and a long brown wig.

For moment I thought she would be older than I was but her voice gave her away, she couldn't be any second older than I was.

"Babe, are you okay?" She rushed forward, her yellow heels clicking on the tiled floor.

Babe?. Her chubby body tipped my slim one aside as she bent to hug him on the bed. She hugged him tightly and he hugged her back.

"Who is she?" She asked him as I got up from the bed, since she's taken up my space.

"She's a classmate."

"Hi, I'm Zainab, his to be girlfriend" she said giving him a teasing tickle on the stomach. "Thank you for taking good care of him. I just got back a few days ago. Sorry it took me so long" she hugged him again doing a baby voice.

I'm just a classmate!. Not even a friend?. Wow!. That was all I could process right now!.

"Okay then. I'll just get going" since I'm just a class mate.

"Ok goodbye" Zainab, Alameen's to be girlfriend said, still hugging him.

I blinked back tears as I slammed the door close. "She's a classmate!" Alameen's voice resounded in my ears. Wow! Just wow!. Gosshhhhh! I'm the biggest fool in the world.

"Akorede" Alameen's mom was walking towards me.

I swallowed back a large amount of spit and tears, "I'm going to the toilet" I said as plainly as I could and began walking towards the opposite hall. I heard the door slammed shut, when I looked back she was no where in sight. Only the nurse walking away was.

All my imaginations began to melt from the tippy tip. I'm imagined so many things in my head already that it made me feel like a moron. I've even imagined as far as seeing both of us get married!.

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