"Katie wake up." 

"Ughhhh i'm coming" 

"Ya Katie wake up." Ein said barging into my room 

"Get out!" I threw my pillow at him while he left the room chuckling to himself.

"You get so mad at him, if you didn't he'd probably leave you alone." 

"Ok thanks Danny." I said sarcastically. 

I rolled my eyes. 

"I'm just saying."

 "For crying out loud can I just get dressed in peace!" 

Those are only two of my brother I have three more and I don't really have a most annoying ; their all pretty annoying

My family; BTW its in oldest to youngest order - Last name is Adler BTW

Mom-Black hair, blue eyes

Dad-Blonde hair, green eyes


Ein-Black hair, blue eyes ; College

Adrien-Blonde hair, green eyes ; College

Me-Black hair, green eyes ; Senior 

Danny-Blonde hair, blue eyes ; sophomore  

Jake, Jace-Twins, Brunette, dark grey eyes. They got that from our grandmother. ; Freshmen's

"Get your brothers, are they ready?" "Boys your sister is taking you are you ready?!" 

"We're coming."

They all got in the car. I always have to drive because all my stupid brothers keep failing their fricken driving test.

Its my last year in high school and I cant wait to leave this dumb city. People don't talk to me because of my past, with him. I was dumb and young and I really screwed up but I don't like talking about it last time I did my mom made me go to therapy and I had to take medicine for my depression. 

I mean i'm fine with being the quiet kid but I really wanna leave this town. This city is so fricken messed up. Also i'm not known as the best student either. Cuz of my brothers. Ein put thumbtacks on the teachers chair and got suspended for 3 days. Then Adrien hit the teacher while opening the door, he got detention and it was an accident but he did do it to Mr. Sullivan     

; he's a grumpy old substitute we got for our math class once. But he did break his nose so I guess its fair. 

*****_____At school______*****

Ok just don't look at them stay quiet. Ever since Victoria left I've been quiet. She went to a new school in London, I miss her. I go to a school in NY. It might seem great, we have landmarks and many movies are shot here but its not so great when you meet the people. 

"Katie?" Asked the teacher. 

Oh I forgot we're in biology! 

"Ummm," Doesn't matter anyway we're leaving this school in half a year anyway. Just then Danny slid me a note with the answer. 

"photons are the only things that humans can directly see." 

I answered knowing I got it right. Danny is one of my only brothers who got a brain, He's not as annoying I guess.

Just then the phone rang, and the teacher picked it up. 

"Ya ... uh hu ... got it ... I'll send them down." 

She hung up the phone. All the kids started swearing, wondering who it was. "Mr and Ms Adler please head down to the office to check out. 


We headed to the check out, my other brothers were there too. 

I wondered what they had done to make out reputation around here worse. Once we got in my car I asked them what they had done. 

"We haven't done anything." They said at the same time. 

"Ok then why did we have to leave, I promise if you did something its fine I don't like school anyways." 

"We swear we did nothing." 

"Ok maybe it was mom we'll ask when we get home." 


"Mom why did you call us home?" Danny asked "I was looking forward to mathematics." "Oh shut up!" Jake yelled. 

Mom came out and said "We are having a family meeting."

"Ok what?" Jace asked 

"Sit down." 

Adrien and Ein were sitting at the table. 

"Your father and I are getting job interviews and your brothers are going to college so we are going to be moving." 

"Omg really!" "Yessss." I was so happy 

"Noooo!" Jake and Jace screamed "Our friends." "Just because Katies happy and Ein and Adrien and you and Dad are happy doesn't mean we are." They grabbed Danny at this statement 

"Umm no i'm ok with a new start." Danny suggested. 

"Were are we moving?" I asked

"London!" Adrien said. 

Omg i'm going to see Victoria again. "EEEEEE!" I ran up to my room and called her. she freaked out.

Later that evening I ate fast, took a shower and went to bed. Tomorrows my last time going to school in this crappy town. Yess 

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