Chapter 12

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Erica POV-

I watched as Raven climbed in the middle and also noticed Nick and Zak staring intently at her ass, I muffled a laugh and cuddled next to Aaron. I could never repay my best friend for what she did, she absolutely resented the show and really didn't wanna go to the bar the night we met the guys, yet she did and ended up charming our way into a lockdown and helped me get with Aaron. That was one of the things I've always loved about her, she could charm a magician into giving away all his tricks, in other words, what we wanted, she got for us.

It wasn't just her looks though, even though she was absolutely gorgeous, long wavy, thick, shining black hair, naturally squinted grey eyes that could pierce a person to their soul but never give anything away about herself, coke bottle figure, caramel skin, and square jaw, she was breathtaking; but it was much more than that. She had a way of putting a spell on people like they felt the need to abide the words she was putting out in her smooth as honey southern voice. It was like they felt the need to please her to make her happy, it always intrigued me how she could instantly jinx people without them knowing what was even happening, but the ironic part was she had no clue she was even doing it. I even asked her about it one time, I was surprised by her bewildered expression and I knew then she had no idea the way she moved people; she even joked it off winking slyly at me and blaming the Cajun in her. Ever since then I've paid more attention to it, in fact, I paid more attention to her, studying her. I noticed the way she moved was always graceful, quiet, reminding me of some prowling jungle cat. The way she watched everyone around her, noticing everything and taking it all in as her smokey eyes missed nothing. It had taken me years to even catch emotions she felt and it took a lot of observing since her face was always composed, I finally noticed different little tells she had, for example, I could barely catch the clench in her jaw when she was angry, and when she was happy her eyes held only a slight glint. It had taken me the longest time for me to figure out her tell for sadness or hurt, though, it was completely hidden on her face, it eventually hit me that her face was too composed and blank, which let me know she had something to hide.

I watched her now and noticed she had come a long way, from the strong stubborn southern ways that prevented her from becoming too attached to the 'Yankees' around her; to the smiling silly southern belle uncaring of the strong opinions she once had. I could remember the first time she let me here her real laugh, it was infectious, deep, soft, and kind laughter reminding me of soft strums on an acoustic guitar. I looked at her and reached up tugging a piece of her hair, she spun around cocking her head at me as I pointed to Aaron making him out to be the culprit. He looked at me and gave me his goofy cross-eyed smile and I laughed as Raven turned around shaking her head. I noticed she sat awkwardly between her two crushes and couldn't help but feel sorry for her. It was obvious she liked the two, well, obvious to everyone but them, and I knew she was stuck on who to choose. So of course, when she came to me I gave her my best advice possible and stuck to what I knew about her gypsy-like spell, and told her to watch who fell harder and who would work more for her love. Because I knew that whichever one it would be, would be the luckiest soul alive. Some people automatically perceived her as shallow or uncaring, based on her looks and stony face, but I knew better. My Raven, though she tried to hide it, had a kind and loving heart, which would make for one hell of a romance.

I thought about her some more and the trials we had went through. I felt Aaron's arm go around me and I snuggled closer, gah he was adorable! In fact, if it weren't for Raven, I wouldn't be sitting here next to the guy of my dreams, and I damn sure wouldn't be able to spend the rest of my new career as a ghost hunter with my idols. I silently thanked her as I stared out of the van's window, I couldn't wait for whatever was next in our now perfect lives.


So there you go, a glimpse inside Erica's head and an outside perspective of Raven...I hope you enjoyed and if you did be sure to let me know! I'll probably upload a new chapter soon so be sure to keep reading

Lots Of Love To You Guys!!

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