hot for teacher

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**hi! a couple of side notes before you read. i don't know much about schooling in europe so i placed them in america! that's pretty much the biggest thing to note other than they're muggles and it's a complete au!!**

"Teddy, c'mon! We're gonna be late if we don't leave now." Harry took a deep breath and tried to remember that Teddy was ready for this. He was excited, and Harry was excited too... but he  couldn't help but long for the days when he and Teddy would spend all day together.

"I'm ready Papa!" Harry tried to fight it, Teddy calling him anything paternal.. it felt like a betrayal to Remus' memory. But Teddy was so young, he didn't understand why this man who cared for him wasn't his dad like his friends had. So Harry decided on Papa.

He looked like such a big kid with his book bag fastened to his back and the outfit that they'd picked out last night, after trying on about 50 different choices. Harry willed himself not to cry and grabbed his keys.

"Then let's do this, Teddy Bear."

"Papa, do you think I'll make friends?" Teddy asked when they'd arrived. Harry was helping him grab his lunch and book bag and paused.

"Of course you will, Bear. Everyone would be crazy not to love you." It was the truth, Teddy was such a bright light. He hoped nothing would put it out. They walked into the school and looked for Mr. Malfoy's room.

"Here Papa, those are two M's, right? Are they M's for Mr. Malfoy?" Harry smiled and nodded.

"Good job, Bear." They walked into the room, Harry's hand tightening on Teddy's subconsciously. He's ready. He'll be fine. I'll be fine...

"There's your cubby, bubs. Wanna go put your things in there? I'm going to let your teacher know we're here." Teddy nodded and grabbed his lunch box from Harry, going over to where his cubby was. He walked over to where the teacher was sitting on the ground with a group of kids. He didn't know anything about Mr. Malfoy except that he was only a second year teacher. He's 22, a year younger than Harry.

"Excuse me, Mr. Malfoy?" The blonde turned around and smiled, and Harry got the wind knocked out of him. Truly he had never seen a more beautiful man. He didn't even think he'd ever referred to another man as beautiful before... but that was the only word to describe him. His bright blonde hair, light and easy smile. He was... beautiful. He stood up and reached his hand out to Harry, still smiling.

"Hi!" He said, grey eyes staring at him. Harry fought through the urge to pin him against the wall and kiss him and cleared his throat, shaking his hand.

"Hi, yes. Hi! I'm uh- I have my boy Teddy Lupin here." Harry pointed over to where Teddy was, he had already seemed to have made a friend and he was coloring with her. "Bear, come here and meet your teacher, love." Teddy practically ran over and then clinged to Harry's leg, which made Harry feel a weird sense of happiness. Draco crouched down to Teddy's level and smiled.

"Well hello, Teddy. Are you ready to have a super fun day?" Teddy nodded shyly. "Yeah? Guess what? We're going to have a picnic for lunch time! And we're going to make special gifts for your family!" Teddy smiled a little bigger and then looked up at Harry.

"Did you hear that Papa? I get to make you a present!" Teddy let go of Harry and ran back over to where he was coloring before. Harry knew that was a good thing, that he was excited about school. But he couldn't help but wish it was a little harder for Teddy to go.

"I know that face." Mr. Malfoy said, standing back up. "Don't worry. He won't forget about you, Mr. Lupin." Harry smiled awkwardly.

"Oh, actually, my name isn't Lupin. I- it's a long story. But, my name is Harry Potter." Mr. Malfoy got a strange look on his face and Harry couldn't place it. He couldn't possibly be disturbed by that or anything. "Even though he's not my blood, he's still my kid. And I love him."

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