You Sit On His Lap

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You walk into the living room and everyone was on the couch but you wanted to sit too. So you walked over to your boyfriend and sat on his lap. Ash turned cherry red and Chloe and Goh tried not to laugh. Ash then relaxed and wrapped his arms around you waist and sat his chin on your shoulder as you both watch tv. Chloe took a pic for adorableness and Goh took one for fun. And in case you guys got married so he could show it at y'alls wedding.

You decided it would be cool to see how your boyfriend would react when you sat on his lap. So when he was watching NikNok(pokemon tiktok) you went up to him and sat on his lap. He froze and turned redder then red. He took a few deep breaths and then relaxed and yall watched NikNoks together.

You and Leon were taking a Flying Taxi to postwick from Hammerlocke but the taxi only had one seat so you had to sit on your boyfriend's lap. You and him just talked the whole time and he was really calm about it. After you guys got off you guys joked about it.

You and Bede were chilling and he must've been feeling affectionate because he pulled you into his lap and hugged you tightly, while listening to you talk. Opal watched from the door. Drinking tea while you and him watched tv and talked.

You were tired after a day and went to sit on the couch in you and Avery's shared room. You didn't realize he was on the couch and sat down on his lap. When you realized your mistake you apologised but Avery said it was okay and pulled you back and let you vent about your day.

You decided to record a NikNok of you sitting on you boyfriend's lap. So you did and he wrapped his arms around you waist and kissed your neck. It escalted but you stopped the video begore that. (Gurl you gonna need this. ♿♿♿♿♿♿♿))))

You were eating and decided to sit on his lap. He at first was shocked but he relaxed quickly and asked if you were comfy. You said yes and he chuckled and allowed you to sit in his lap.

You woke up and chose his lap as a chair. So for the whole day instead of a chair or a couch you sat on his lap. He was shocked the first time but decided to let you and enjoyed you being in his lap.

He pulled you into his lap when y'all were hanging with your brother and his gf(legends of arceus MC) you were embarrassed amd your brother teased you relentlessly.

It was after one of his concerts and you and Marnie were hanging out with each other he walked and sat on the couch next to you and pulled you into his lap. You let out a squeak and Marnie left the room with a lenny face. He just sat there with his arms around your waist and head on your neck, while your on his lap.

Jessie dared you too. He was very embrassed and tried to calm down and gave you a kiss and just let sit.

You were all chilling out. But you decided to sit on your boyfriend's lap. He at first was slightly shocked but relaxed immediately. He just kept on talking with you.

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