Act 1, Pt. 3: Let's get this Party Started

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Author's note - There's a bit of another ship in this chapter, so yeah if you don't like it stay mad ig

When I arrived, the first thing I noticed was how big the place was. Like, I knew it would be big based on the outside, but the inside seems even bigger than it is on the outside. When you first enter, there's thing big hollow room where it echos basically everything. It's kind of like a hallway. There's also a bunch of paintings on the wall (I guess it's a basic rich people thing). There's art on the ceiling of like space and greek gods and constellations or something. But in the middle there's also glass so you can stargaze, which I think is pretty neat except for the fact that these people probably never stargaze. Another thing I really like about Parfait's house is that they hung up little flowers and plants around the rim of the roofing. Makes this place seem like a hidden garden sort of. There are also a lot of potted plants on the floor around the sides on like desks beneath the paintings. I would be lying if I said this house doesn't really impress me at all in the slightest.

My thoughts are interrupted by Parfait greeting me and Milk cookie. I then realize there is some awful pop music blasting and echoing throughout the entire room. The room is filled with people dancing and having fun, people in the corner drinking alcohol, and people just having a good time chatting with their friends.

My views have changed, I hate this place now.

"Hey Milk, hey Herb~," she says in a childishly flirtatious voice. She's wearing a short white pleated skirt, a gray hoodie, some white knee socks, and black boots. I wave at her, realizing then I sort of am glaring at her. "I don't even know why I hosted a party, I'm not much of a party person!" she says. So what you're saying is that I could've been at home right now instead of at this stupidly ridiculous party? I want to curse so badly right now, but I need to be polite. Besides, I can't let my anger get the best of me.

"Anyways, follow me! The party's just begun, and we still have much to do!" Parfait says, and runs off into the crowd. I'm about to turn around and straight up leave but Milk grabs me and pulls me with him, chasing after Parfait.

When we finally stop, we land in front of a big group of boys. They're all staring at me. Why are they all staring at me? Milk breaks the silence by exclaiming, "Herb, these are my friends; Yam, Snow, and Madeline! Say hello guys!" Snow and Madeline and nice enough to shake my hands, introduce themselves, and give me their number on a piece of paper. However, Yam just glares at me menacingly. I'm about to punch this man in the face if he doesn't do something soon. Milk sighs and says, "Sorry Herb, Yam has anger issues and is very untrusting of strangers. Once you get to know him though, he's a great person!" Yam grunts, which makes Parfait giggle. Yam glares at Parfait, which shuts her up.

I like this dude.

"Hey guys, it's almost time for spin the bottle!" someone shouts from the crowd. Nobody seems to care, until Parfait claps her hands in a very mannered fashion. Then everyone turns and goes quiet. Parfait clears her voice, then in an obviously fake voice says "Hey guys! Everyone get in a circle because we are going to play spin the bottle!" Everyone seems to think she's god or something, because as soon as she said that, everyone was sitting down. Everyone except me.

Now I have to make a decision, should I play spin the bottle, or should I just straight up leave?

I would leave, but that would seem rude and I don't want her ruining my whole reputation. I slowly sit down in the only available spot, next to parfait and Madeline. 

I actually have no idea how to play spin the bottle, but I get the memo pretty quickly based on the demonstration with Parfait. So basically, the player spins the bottle (in this case Parfait), and they kiss whoever the cork is facing towards (in this case it was a random dude named Red Velvet, and news flash: he did not like it. I guess more people hate Parfait then I thought). Anyways, because I was sitting to the right or Parfait and it went clockwise, I didn't have to spin the bottle until last, so that gives me plenty of time to think of an excuse.

As people were spinning the bottle, there were a few times where it almost landed on me, but thank goodness it either landed on Parfait or Madeline. As the bottle got closer and closer to me, I was getting more nervous. I had not come up with an excuse yet. I needed to work faster otherwise I would have to actually make out with someone, and I would not like to do that.

Soon, it was down to the last 5 people. The first person spun the bottle, and it landed on Parfait. As they crawled to the middle and made out, I looked away. Parfait was looking at me the whole time they were kissing. Disgusting. The second person went, and it landed on Yam cookie. They crawled to the middle, but when the other person went to lean in for a kiss, Yam cookie pushed them off. He looked... embarrassed? Parfait was staring at him so intensely, but he didn't care. I guess the person was a really close friend of Parfait and they had a crush on Yam, so Parfait did the best they can to get them together. Yam cookie kept doing everything to stall, either it was scooching away, and sometimes it was intersecting their kiss with their hand. I guess her really didn't want that kiss.

Parfait was getting sick of this because she went up to them, smirked, and pushed them together basically forcing them to kiss. Yam automatically pushed the person away, yelled "I hate all of you, you sick people," and walked out the room. I was looking around the circle to see what the others thought, and as I was, I found something interesting. I could see Milk being visibly uncomfortable, but also tears starting to brim over his eyes. I guess I was the only one who noticed though, because no one else said anything.

I honestly felt really bad for him because he couldn't do anything to stop what was happening. I could tell that he and Yam were really close, so I guess that must of hurt him a lot. A few turns went by, and I noticed that Milk cookie got up and went in the same direction Yam went. Poor guys.

But I was really disgusted with Parfait. I know that's her friend, but dude that's so stupid. You shouldn't force anyone into a relationship they don't want to be in.

I'll worry about that later. What I need to do is get out of here. It's one turn before my turn. I'm panicking, my eyes darting around the room looking for any way to escape. "Herb, it's your turn!" Parfait said, breaking my train of thought. I looked at her and then got up without a word. "I need to go to the bathroom really quick, continue the game without me," I said stubbornly, and got up to leave. I need to leave right now and qui-


Parfait grasped my leg. "Oh come on, it's your turn. You can spin quickly and then go," Parfait said smiling. She knew what I was doing. "No, I really-" I started before she cut me off. "I don't think you're going anywhere," she said, staring me smack dead in the eyes. Her grip tightened on my ankle. I slowly moved back and sat down. I stared at the bottle, my hand grasping it tightly. My mind was spinning. I didn't want to kiss anybody. Not yet. Not now. Please, anyone save me.

My hands made a move, and so I spun the bottle. I watched in patience as the bottle spun, everything seemingly going in slow motion. I shut my eyes tightly. 

God, someone save me.

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