Level 3 (slight blood warning?)

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As Jack and Dave enter level 3, they soon realize this place is FUCKING HUGE. It's also really echo-y in there. The machines are super loud and the echoes just make it worse. Jack soon after got a really big headache. It was so bad we was sweating, it wasn't hot in there or anything. The headache was just that bad. Dave couldn't hold Jack anymore so he decided to put him down, but still hold his hand so it's easier for Jack to follow him. Dave and Jack are just trying to walk peacefully with all the noise... But there were prison bars blocking their way. Dave tried to break them but he couldn't, the bars are indestructible. Jack was extremely uncomfortable while around the bars, as if he was being watched. So he tried to avoid them as much as possible, Dave also felt discomfort while around the bars. So they both just walked away, accepting the fact they can't, and will not break the bars. While wandering around, they come across some supplies! It's a flashlight and knives! Jack also spotted a lighter. Jack grabbed 2 flashlights, gave one to Dave and kept one for himself. Dave obviously took the knives, Jack put the lighter in his shirt pocket. Dave grabbed Jack by the arm and started walking. He then let go thinking Jack would be annoyed by that. But a few minutes after he then realized he didn't hear any footsteps behind him, Jack was gone. He was confused, but also scared. So he decided to find Jack, "JACK??!" "JACK, WHERE ARE YOU?" After who knows how long long he has been walking and yelling. He found Jack, he look horrorfied, "Dave..?" Jack quietly said, in a questioning tone. Dave walked closer to the scared orange man, and soon realized he wasn't alone. He saw movement, he knew it wasn't paranoia, Jack heard it, he then quickly looked behind himself. "I've been hearing that the whole time I was looking for you.. I think we should leave the area." Dave saw it again, didn't hesitate to grab Jack by the arm again, he held on tight, but not too tight, or so he thought. While Dave was running he felt a tug, was Jack being pulled away? He looked at Jack, Jack looks like he saw a ghost, he was crying as well. He realized blood was dripping from Jack's hand, he then looked at his hand, but he didn't see it. It was gone. His hand was ripped off. Dave was shocked. Who wouldn't be? He realized that he had some bandages from when they found all that supplies, he then dropped all the stuff and got on his knees to find all the stuff, Jack was still crying of pain. Soon after, Dave found the bandages, he wrapped it around where his hand used to be. As they were walking through long halls, he came across skin stealer, yes, Jack and Dave immortal but they didn't want to be ripped to shreds while being fully conscious. They ran and ran for who knows how long, as they thought they had been out of the skin stealers sight, Dave thought it would be a good idea to noclip again. He picked up Jack and threw him towards the wall. It wasn't fast enough and it's just made him go unconscious, he attempted again and succeeded. He realized he was face to face with the skin stealer, Dave wasn't in the mood at that moment so he threw hands. Dave went in for a punch and did a little /e dance on the entity before attempting to noclip, he ran fast into the wall but not fast enough and just banged his head on the wall. He tripped on the entity which kept it down longer, enough time to noclip again, he ran as fast as he could, once again tripping on the entity, making him dramatically fall like sexy squidward. He succeeded the noclip attempt though.

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