The Breeze of Goodbye

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The birds were singing. The storms have stopped. Dvallin has been set free again, and so has the city of Monstadt from its crisis. 

You joyfully walked your path on the soil road, possibly made by hilichurls and adventurers who were going the same way as you. You could already see the enormous oak tree of Windrise, and the Statue of The Seven right under its elegant everlasting crown. 

The animals were wandering around, and every minute or two you could see birds flying, pairs of foxes sniffing around or some curious dendro slimes that were hiding in the grasslands. Hilichurls were nowhere to be seen (very unusual for them) but you supposed it is better that way, than having to bring down your currently boosted mood in fighting them on this lovely day. 

The big oak tree was closer with every step you took. The preparations for the long journey towards the nation of Liyue were done, and you were planning on taking off from Monstadt in only about an hour or two, when then suddenly, Venti came and asked you if you could come by Windrise before you head to Liyue.

- "I'll be waiting, but it's yours to decide if you wish to come or not."- he told you, and vanished before you could reply anyhow.

- "Hi"- you told Venti as you slowly approached him from behind his back.

- "Y/n! And I thought you weren't going to come."

- "Seriously Venti, why wouldn't I?!"

He giggled. "Oh but you take everything so seriously!"- he spoke through laugh and kept giggling contagiously. You felt your cheeks blooming red, but you accepted the joke and smiled.

- "I'm sorry, I don't want to make you uncomfortable."- he apologized, but all of a sudden you got the impression of his voice slightly trembling. "C-Come, let's take a walk." He proceeded to walk down the river flow in a slow manner towards the open ocean of Teyvat, as you were following him side-to-side.

- "Venti, is anything bothering you?" you couldn't help but ask.

 A moment of silence, a deep inhale and a bottomless sigh.

 - "Hey Traveler, remember how we rode Dvallin the other day?" he spoke without turning at yourself. "When you could feel the chilly breeze amidst that sea of clouds immersed in the morning daylight... We were there together, Traveler. I saw your golden locks of hair aggressively, and yet elegantly flutter as the winds were persistently blowing in your face. You looked as if you've never been happier in your life, and yet I could feel as my heart tightened, for what I knew our journey would come to an end soon."

 - "V-Venti..." you were touched. The amount of emotions that he let loose were unforeseeable, enough to get you on the edge of tearing up.

 - "I never knew I could feel this way towards a mere mortal ever again. And yet, your departure makes me longing for your return some day. Even if it's just a visit, even if it's just a minute-stay while passing by."

 You opened your mouth to reply, but Venti looked longingly in your eyes, gazing straight into the depths of your heart as it flattered, while his (smol) finger was lightly laid on your rosy lips. He smirked devilishly. "Shhhhh... don't say a word..." he whispered. 

As Venti took the lyre in his hands, you couldn't deny but admit that your cheeks were burning and your heart was pounding like crazy in your chest, as if it would break out any moment. But it didn't seem as if it bothered him.

The sounds of the lyre filled the atmosphere with a dazzling warm melody you have never heard before, and Venti's angelic voice began to sing in a more less-cheerful way than ever before.

- "Amidst the lands where winds whirl and rule,
the mortal that passed made dead flowers bloom.
The sword in their hands was a pen,
writing an unforeseen story magnificent.

Throughout the lands they helped,
hilichurls don't remember when they last slept.
Their goal is no real wealth,
a long-lost sibling is what they only have left.

Y/n it's only you I dream of,
I know you're just a mere mortal.
I can't help but stare,
in this state of Monstadt severe,
where you prove yourself as a hero for other's sake.
A kind heart and a bit of braveness is all it takes,
for someone to light up my heart to shine,
and deserve to be called mine."

- "I love you, Traveler."
- "I- I... love you too..."

He leaned over to you, and gently caught hold of your hands.
- "Will you think of me every day?" he longingly asked.
- "I will."
- "Have a safe trip to Liyue. Also, don't forget to send me a postal card."

 You chuckled. How come goodbyes always completely shut people down? Being unable to talk in that very moment is so absurd, and yet there's nothing you can do about it.

Though regarding that matter Venti found a solution just moments later, when he snuggled his arms around yourself, and you felt his lips gently touching yours. 

The mild flavor of apple (and wine??) pleasantly spread through your mouth and you closed your eyes to enjoy this moment and treasure it forever. 

The bright-colored braids we're soft under your touch, fluttered by the chilly breeze that enveloped your bodies. The warmth applied through the kiss spread evenly through your body, as if you and Venti were one same thing.

In that timeless moment, nothing else bothered you so much as the farewell- that you will leave this place in a longer matter of time until you finally get to visit again. 

The leaves of the oak tree rustled, fluttered by the winds that rule these grasslands. The clouds were chasing amidst the blue skies, for what seemed to be a sight to remember.


Hello my dear  readers, I apologize for being inactive for all those following me :)
The fact that I have 2 Venti x reader fanfictions written is just a coincidence for some reason, but I was inspired by my dear friend Karma <3

Anyhow, I'm currently working on other projects and even though it might take a while progress them, I promise I'll post something again in the following months.
Thank you for reading!! 

- The Author

~The Breeze of Goodbye~ {Venti x reader light romance short story}Where stories live. Discover now