| HANNY's Vlog #2 🧡

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                             | HANNY's Vlog #2 🧡


Hanny: Hi, Cloudless.

[Welcome to channel]

Hanny: Good morning from Busan. I wanted to show my Cloudless this breathtaking view. The ocean is so sparkly. I can't remember the last time I was at the beach. I really love water.
Hanny: Synchronized walking with my mom. It's not easy walking on beach. We didn't dress appropriately for the occasion. It's a total failure.
Hanny: Cheer!

[Mom insisted on having fish and chips even though she had a huge breakfast]

Hanny: How are you so thin?

Mom: We need do have this here.

Hanny: She totally tricked me by saying "let's grab a coffee!". Wow look at this.

[Must be a perfectionist to taking a photos for mom]

Hanny: Look at you food and admire it. You look great from this angle.

Mom: The fries are yummy.

[At the end, I'm the one who finished the meal]
Hanny: I forgot to film myself eating.
[Laying at the beach with mom]

Hanny: I'm wearing a sweater and a mask. It's my first time dressing like this at the beach. Like this. It's already the last say of our trip. Mom!

[Mom listening to her daughter rants]

Hanny: We have to head back home in a few hours. Back to Han river instead of the beach. How was the trip?

Mom: It was really nice.

Hanny: It was super nice indeed! It's rarely for me to out freely like this.
Hanny: It's currently late at night. It's dark outside, and I was craving guacamole like crazy. So I decided to make some. These are the ingredients. Five avocados, this a lot actually but we're going to eat a lot. It's should be ripe. And tomatoes, limes, onions, red chilli, cilantro, and salt.
Hanny: Let me get started. So pretty.

[Scoop out all the avocados]

Hanny: Scoop it out with spoon and put them in bow. Scrape it all?

Mom: Don't let it go to waste.

[Mom helps cutting the tomatoes and onions]

Hanny: Mash it up! I'm always serious when it comes to food.

Mom: You're always serious about eating.

Hanny: Right. Now the lime. Instead of bottled lime juice, mom said earlier that we could just use the lemon juice that we have at home. It's better to use fresh lime.

Mom: Really?

Hanny: It makes all the difference.

Mom: It that so?

Hanny: Yes

[Mom trying to test my cooking knowledge]

Mom: Hmm.

Hanny: Like this. It's hard to squeeze it.

[Using a tools to help squeeze out the lime juice]

Hanny: Done! I'm going to add the tomatoes, garlic. To much garlic. Some chilli, onions. This is cilantro. I love cilantro. I'm craving pho actually. Mix them all together. I need a pinch of salt. It's look good. Look at the beautiful green color. It's gonna turn brown letter so to keep it fresh longer add some water and wrap it with a food wrap.

Mom: Do you need food wrap?

Hanny: Yes. Let me put this away.
[Try the fresh guacamole]

Hanny: Somebody's lucky.

Mom: You're lucky. We were just about to give it a taste.

Hanny: Right.

Harris: Apparently people who are lucky with food also live well. Let me try.

Hanny: Success?

Harris: Success!

Hanny: Bye!

Harris: Bye! Cloudless.

Hanny: Ooo, you know!

Harris: Of course!

Hanny: Let's do it together.

Harris/Hanny: Bye, Cloudless!

[See you next time, Cloudless!]

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