Chapter 1

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"I'm not going anywhere with you, Kyr!" I yelled at Kyrion as we got off the plane and took our luggage.

"So I have excellent news for you! You're also flying with me  back, unless, you are planning stay here another year. "He said amusedly in his voice, heading for the airport exit.

My aunt and cousin were supposed to be waiting for us outside. I never met them  in my life, but I knew a lot of things from albums and social networks.

For example, aunt Lauren and my mom are sisters, but they don't look alike each other at all. I even found out that  Lauren has been living alone for over 5 years. My mom even reminded me that as a surgeon, she is well known in Florida.

And my older cousin Daniell seems to have fallen out of his mom's eye. And  honestly I have to admit that he must have a lot of girls around himself. He has been training basketball since 14, because he was already as tall as a giraffe. Well, I've also noticed that he's not added any photos to social networks lately. So I can't help myself,  but  I'm really curious about him.

It was a beautiful sunny day in Florida today. Kyrion and I walked slowly through the parking lot to the agreed location, not far from the airport.

At the old building, I assume it was a cafe, we saw two people standing. It was immediately clear to me that it was Aunt Lauren and Daniell.

Kyrion and I sped up, and Aunt and Daniell went against us at the same pace. "Finally, I get to know you personally, Angelia! You're so beautiful. "Aunt Lauren exclaimed with undisguised enthusiasm and pulled me into a big hug." Aunt Lauren  pleasure is on my side! And you look beautiful too. " I hugged her again and after a long time she finally let me go. Thanks to that, I was finally able to take a good look at Daniell.

"Gosh cousin, are the photos on Instagram yours?" He asked with a grin on his lips and pulled me into another hug.

"To be honest I think I'd look better on them ..." Kyrion murmured under his nose, but I heard him and banged my elbow between his ribs. "Ouch ..." he looked at me with a grin of pain, but other second he turned to aunt and Daniel and gave them a  Hollywood smile and spoke.

"And to introduce myself, because here my friend that ignores me," he indicated the quotes pointing to me, "anyway it doesn't matter, I'm Kyrion Leern, I came with this blonde head for a year to live  life in Florida, for which I thank you. And by the way, I'm starving to death. "

"I'm glad Kyrion and good you reminded, but it never occurred to me that they didn't even gave u food in plane. So let's get

in the car and go home. Please, Dan, order a pizza, "Lauren said, staring at Daniell and as we went to the car.

Guys behind me  debated eagerly, but I was immersed in my thoughts. But after the while Daniell interrupted me. "Kyrion and I agreed that you would sit in the front, but I personally think you should let the suitcase back with the other suitcases, because you certainly won't fit with them in the front." He took the suitcase from my hand and put it in the back of the car among others.

I was able to say a single thank you, and sat down in  Lauren's passenger seat.

Along the way, the guys talked about something in the back, here and there, I even caught my name, but I ignored it and focused on the view from the car. It was completely different from London. Suddenly there was a burst of laughter in the car. I just looked back at the guys in disbelief. As I listened to them, I found out that Kyr was talking about our childhood. And that really was comical.

I remember the first time we met in kindergarten. It was the first day of first grade, and Kyr was one of the last ones that arrived to school and he didn't have place to sit. He could choose to either sit with me or next to our disgusting classmate Dominic. Of course he chose me.

I'm sure Kyr didn't forget to mention how I stole the red wax when we were supposed to draw ourselves in happy moment

for the second hour, then Kyr wanted to change place, but the teacher wouldn't let him.

We soon stopped in front of a large house. The house was really beautiful. We got out of the car, but when I was about to go to Aunt Lauren's trunk, I was stopped.

"Angelia, wait. Dan, please take their suitcases to their rooms and you Angelia, Kyr come in. I'll show you around. "Dan just frowned and I even heard him mutter swearing that he isn't our maiden.

I just smirked at him and went after Lauren and Kyrion.

The house was as beautiful as inside and out. I had a room right next to Cyrie and Daniel on the second floor. I miraculously already had my suitcase in the room, so I started storing my clothes in the closet. I couldn't stop loving  the beauty of the room. It wasn't as big as the one at home, but it was enough for me. (see picture above)

I was already at the end of the unpacking when Daniell's voice called "Dinner!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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