Episode 1: Arrival

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"Viper." The boy looked up at hearing his stage name, seeing his manager walking in with a smile and flyer. Immediately Viper didn't trust the smile, narrowing his eyes at the flyer and he moved the guitar to his side while he raised an eyebrow. "What's that in your hand there, Jake?"

"It's the reward for the competition you won last week." Viper stood up, feeling like his stomach was beginning to knot. Noticing that this is different than what he's seen when he's won a competition before, hand grabbing at the flyer. Viper went didn't even have to read the words, he saw the picture and immediately crumbled the flyer. "No."


"Not happening." He felt sick to his stomach, staring at Jake. His manager arguing with him lightly, "It's an amazing opportunity Viper! First access to a camp, behind the scene tours, amazing access and experiences!"

"I'm not going to some death island!" Viper continued to argue with Jake, shaking his head and throwing the crumpled flyer. He walked over and put his guitar in the case, closing it up. "It's not! It's so much protected now."

Viper let out an annoyed laugh, glancing at the leather bracelet on his wrist. The shaved down fin on the bracelet, his hand tightening lightly. "Those people need to stop trying to play god, it only bites them when they try."

"Monty. Seriously, I think it might be good for you. Imagine! You get to experience summer camp, like a real teenager." Jake was really trying to convince the rockstar to go willingly, Monty not caving. He was about to leave the room with his guitar when Jake dropped the bomb on him. "Well, I've already signed everything and your things are packed."



"Mom! Mom, look at what I got!" The excited voice said, the woman turning to look at her daughter with a soft look in her eye. "What did you get Bella?"

"A VIP invitation to Camp Cretaceous!" The redhead smiled exited, watching her mother coo at her golden children. Immediately clapping lightly for her daughter's accomplishment. "I can't wait for you to go have fun."

"I can't wait myself."

"Oh, don't forget to go tell your cousin and say goodbye before you leave. I'll have the driver out front for you when you're ready." Bella smiled, a hidden glint in her eyes. "Of course mother, I wouldn't dream of leaving without saying goodbye to Thena."


I'm stuck on a boat... Full of idiots. Monty thought, letting his head fall in his hand. Black painted nails poked through the strands of blue dyed tips, letting out an annoyed sigh.

There was a brunette eagerly talking to everyone, this excitable brunette was Sammy. She was trying to make friends with everyone, already trying to make camp memories. While the other brunette was keeping to herself, she wasn't a big fan of people, and that anti-social track star was Yaz.

"O m g! You're the Viper!" Sammy exclaimed when she turned around, noticing Monty sitting there. He sighed, running a hand through his hair as he leaned back. The slight dusting of red on her cheeks as she watched Monty lean back; arms resting back on the railing as he watched the hyperactive brunette. This camp's gonna be a blast...

Monty mentally thought to himself, already complaining silently. The guitar case was by his side, staring at Sammy with a stoic face. Sammy's excitement caught the attention of the influencer, the camera had been taking shots of the ocean view for editing. Her pink hair was pulled into a bun, this influencer grew happy at hearing the name of the rockstar. This was Brooklyn.

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