Chapter 1: New Home

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"Don't forget the books you left on the shelf!"

"I wont mama, stop worrying!" I answered from my room across the hallway. I was last minute checking my suitcases to make sure I didn't forget anything important. 

"Okay, I think I'm all set," I whisper to myself, looking around my now bare room whilst tears threatened to fall down my face.

I look in the mirror one last time to make sure I look decent for a person who was up all night packing. My long black curls that took me ages to do had decided to become a frizzy mess in a span of a few hours.

"Well, all those products gone to waste again," I sigh. Not caring anymore, I put my hair in a bun, however my bands decided to snap twice before co-operating with my hair.

"Is this a sign that I shouldn't move out yet?" I wonder. After spacing out for a few minutes, I snap back into reality and start picking up my suitcases and going downstairs.

I see my parents and brother waiting for me at the door. My mother was crying her eyes out in my father's chest whilst my brother was holding back tears.

"We're going to miss you sweetheart," said my father, wrapping me into a tight bear hug. My mother and brother joined in and soon we were all a crying mess.

All of a sudden, I hear a car beeping.

"That must be my ride." I glance outside to see a taxi driver waiting impatiently for me.

My brother, Luiz, helped me with my suitcases as I put them in the trunk of the car.

He quickly gave me one last hug.

"I know you're gonna be an amazing actress one day and I will support you all through your journey. Whenever something is wrong, don't hesitate to call me okay?" he asked.

Tears came down my face as I hugged my brother again, thankful for his words. 

"Of course I will!" And with that, I climbed into the backseat of the car and drove away from my beautiful home.

"One step closer, Ana, one step closer." I thought to myself.

I woke up to the taxi driver telling me to wake up and that we have reached the airport. I tipped the taxi driver and made my way down to prepare myself for my flight.

A few hours later

Here I am, sitting in my seat next to a snoring man and a mother with a crying child. Great. I put my headphones on and try to concentrate on the music but its hard to do that when there is a lot of noise around you. So in the end, I sat through my flight bearing the noises around me and got off my flight with tired eyes and ringing ears.

I called a taxi and slumped into the backseat after giving my driver my address. I can't wait to get inside my new home and sleep. I look outside the window and admire the view surrounding me. So this is New York. However I was too tired to keep staring outside and fell asleep in the taxi in a few minutes. I wake up to the taxi going through a bumpy road and look around in shock. We were passing a bunch of run down homes with overgrown trees everywhere. 

"Are you sure we are in the right place sir?" I asked the taxi driver.

Am I about to get kidnapped. I haven't even been here for a full 24 hours yet!

"Yes ma'am. this is the correct address that you've shown me unless you've got it wrong".

I reread my address and see it is indeed correct.

"Okay Ana, maybe we are just passing the area and hitting the main road soon so don't panic," I think to myself.

The taxi suddenly stops.

"You have reached your destination." said a robotic voice from the taxi driver's phone aka the GPS.

I jump out of the car, grab my suitcases and look in front of me with my mouth wide open.

There was a house with moss everywhere and broken fences standing in front of me.

"Hell no, absolutely not!" I turn back around to get back into the car to take me back to the airport but the driver was already speeding off.

I didn't even get to pay him. 

"He probably felt sorry about my situation and let me off." I grumbled.

With no choice but to go in, I hope to God that a psychopath won't appear out of no where and open the creaky door hoping it looks better on the inside...

There's my first chapter done!

I know its a bit short but the next chapter will be longer.

Tell me what you think in the comments :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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