The Plague Of War

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Please note that in this specific story. There is talk and description of death and violent scenes.

As fires raged throughout the lands of Ascen. Screams and cries echo. As blade made contact with flesh, as death made contact with life. The world and it's people were in chaos. Each strike of a blade, each shot with an arrow, each swing with an axe or hammer would cut one down. As Seratican regained consciousness, his ears ringing as if someone rang a bell right next to them, the pain from his wounds beginning to reveal itself upon him. He saw his friends, his people, his home being destroyed by the plague of war. The streets were filled with bodies scattered everywhere, each wall and floor had blood falling down it. Then he heard something like a horn but the ringing of his ears distorts it. Then as he sat up, he was hit by a wave of pain. He regained his hearing. There was shouts and battle cries in the distance.

Although light headed, painful and uneasy. He looked at his shattered shortsword and threw it at the ground making a irritable scratching sound as it hits the ground. He then picked up and axe and half a shield and pushed on. Each step he took. Each breath he would make, made his skin crawl with pain and discomfort. It felt like leeches were wriggling around inside, sucking whatever they could whilst doing so. He would be running through the streets grunting in pain. Fires roaring from the burning houses, smoke filling the air. This morning, there was thousands of alive people. Now it would be close to 200. A tear would roll down his cheek as he saw dismembered bodies burning, children crying in the arms of their dead parents. Some were covered in the guts of their parents as they were ripped apart limb from limb or gutted alive.

Among his own people he saw soilders from the enemy legion. Although some lay there begging for help or water, Seratican continued ignoring the pleas of his foes. This city which was once a major part of the world. Trading, fishing, farming and research, has now been broken down into debris, made into ruins and with the fall of Ascen, surely the rest of the world will be soon to follow. Seratican gave up, his wounds were too deep. His limbs became numb. The rest of his body ached. Slowly his vision got darker and darker until he took one last, deep, cold breath.

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