Creek Hollow

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On the night of Halloween, there is a runour if a curse that haunts Creek Hollow. There's many theories, some include a ritual or the breaking of bones. So when trick or treating, keep your friends close. As some say they could be a clone.

As Randy skipped through the mist of the street to meet his friend Isaac, he thought he could see something glowing green. He saw a figure that was slim and tall and a shadow revealed it was no human at all. This figure slowly limped towards him. Randy soon began to hear voices, "It's time to play a game of skip around the corner." A deep, spine chilling voice told him. "Would you like some candy young one, all you got to do is come to me." The voices echoed on. But then he shook his head and looked up to see it was gone.

With a chill down his spine, he ran off. Speeding down the sidewalk. When he got to the door of Isaac's house, he knocked quickly and loudly. "ISAAC OPEN THE DOOR, THERE IS SOMETHING OUT HERE. AND I DO NOT THINK I LIKE IT." Then a lady with long-blonde hair, kitchen apron over a combination of dark blue jeans and a comfy looking jacket, opened the door. "We're coming, we're coming. Hold your horses next time Randy. Always welcome in our home, but don't make such a racket."
"Sorry mam, I just think I saw something! It had green eyes and was tall and thin and scary!" Randy stuttered urgently. When he stepped in and closed the door, he saw something similar, this time is was a short, fatter figure. This time he heard birds cooing and chirping. Then he heard a voice, "Well hello Randy. Remember me? Your favourite friend!" It began walking over in the last momemts of the door being shut.

He heard the clanging of heavy metal hitting something with great force. As if a blacksmith was hitting a weapon with his hammer. But then the door closed and with the thud of it shutting and the click of the lock, the clanging stopped. At this point Randy's head was overwhelmed with thoughts. He was on the edge of having a panic attack. "Randy so glad you came!" Isaac said coming up behind him. With a scream and a startled look on his face. "WHAT THE HELL ISAAC!!" He shouted with anger radiating from him. At that point his arm went numb. He went light headed, his breathing began to stutter. BOOM! He hit the ground. The last things he could hear was Isaac shouting to his mum in a chaotic mix between panic and disbelief.

He then layed there, eyes wide open, skin pale. Isaac wondered what caused him to be in so much panic. After his mum said that he apparently saw creepy things outside. Isaac wondered, "Perhaps it's the fear of killers that killed him."

To be continued in another edition soon.

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