Chapter 1

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Beep Beep Beep Beep

I was awaken from my dreams and sleeping by my annoying alarm clock. Ughhh another day at school. Great.

I climbed out of bed and changed into a yellow blazer with nice white dress with yellow flowers on it. I straightened my long chocolate brown hair. Put a yellow head band on. I put some yellow flats on.

Grabbed my bag and ram down stairs to leave for school.

"Mom can you drive me to school?" I asked

"Sure honey." my mom answered

I hopped in the car and waited I had 15 mins to get to school for my first day of grade 10.

When I got to school I grabbed my information drone the front desk. And hurried off to home room.

I sat beside Jessa one of my best friends. I guess you could call me popular not cheerleader popular but me of a straight A student. I have guys asking me out regularly but I don't need a boyfriend right now.

After 15 mins into class Harry Styles the school bad boy wanders into class.

" Ah Mr. Styles glad you could make it." Mr. Nors says he takes a sit at the back of the class.

After class I walk and talk with Jessa and Kimberly. When I bump

Into someone. I dropped all my books.

I look to see who I ran into and of course it was Harry.

"Now Destiney if you wanted to talk to me come up instead of running into me." Harry says

"Harry you do know I'd never date you." I reply back I pick up my books and hurry off to cooking.

I sat beside Kimberly we takes until Mrs. Kimdly walks in.

"Good morning class sit down so I can assign your your cooking partners." Mrs. Kimdly explained


She starts naming off names.

"..... Noah and Lilian, Sam and Jessa, Harry and Destiney."

Anybody but him!

"No before you ask I'm not changing partners. Now take a seat beside your partner." Mrs. Kimdly said

I wander towards The back and sat beside Harry.

"Hey Desy." Harry said

"That's not my name! My name is Destiney!" I told him

"Okay class we are going to have a cooking test next Friday. So you and your partners need to practice making something." Mrs. Kimdly said

"Harry would you like to go to your house or mine?" I asked him

"Let's go to yours." he said I nodded.

" Meet me at the gates after school." I told hi

"Okay beautiful." he said with a smile ugh this boy gets on my nerves.

****After school ****

I waited for Harry at the gates. When he finally showed up we hopped in my car and went to my house.

We went into the kitchen.

"So Harry what do you wanna make I was thinking of cupcakes or a cake." I explained to him

"Lets make cupcakes." he said

"Okay let me just change you STAY HERE." I told him.


I waited for Destiney to returned when she did she came back in a orange crop top with white short shorts.

She looked hot. No Harry Destiney's isn't hot. Ugh. She started to gather the cooking stuff.

She pulled out a recipe.

First we started to mix the stuff.

I think I'm starting to fancy Destiney it's time to turn on my charm. I dipped my finger in the batter the put some on her nose.

"Harry!" she yelled

"Desy you got something on your nose." I told her

She rolled her big beautiful dark brown eyes. I was to busy looking at her eyes. to notice that she had dipped her finger in the batter until she rubbed it all over my mouth.

She smile.

I leaned in towards her..


He leaned in. His lips touched mine we moved in sync I felt like I was floating on clouds.

Beep when the oven we pulled apart. I poured the batter in the pan and put it in the oven.

But I was still wondering if he felt what I felt.

"Harry we should start making the icing." I said

after when we were done we tried the cupcakes they were very good. Harry was quit after we kissed. Did he feel anything?


So this is the first chapter.





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