The Male With A Quirk

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We see a Kid sitting on a chair and beside him we see he's mother and father this is the Yagi Family the Father Toshinori Yagi the former Male No.1 Hero now retired the Mother Inko Yagi is the Current No.1 Hero and they're 4 year old son Izuku Yagi they are in the Quirk Doctor's office cause something is happening to their son and they thought it might be a Quirk

---------------------)Doctor(-------------------- think you're son has a Quirk?

Yes! Doctor earlier we were woke up by him screaming and me and my husband rushed to His room to see his hands with orange and red lightning dancing around his hands so we brought him here to check if this is a Quirk

Alright then well I'll check this if this is a Quirk come here Young Izuku I'm just gonna need a blood sample of you so we can check if this is a Quirk

She said picking up a needle💉 from her table then Izuku walked towards the doctor kinda nervous

Ok this is gonna hurt a little ok?

She said Then Izuku Nodded she then took the blood from Izuku's arm with Izuku not even flinching

What a strong boy, ok I'm going to do some test this will take a while

She then started testing the blood, after a while she saw that Izuku do have a Quirk

This is Amazing!

What is it Doc?

Your son does have a Quirk!, And it's a strong one at that!

Really!? Then what is his Quirk, Doctor?

His Quirk is Called Venom Lightning it's Red Orange Lightning is stronger than any lightning ever! His Quirk has percentage he can lower down the percentage so he wouldn't accidentally kill someone but the lightning what ever percentage can still disintegrate any item! Even Metal,Rocks,Diamonds!,etc... His lightning allows him to Heal 15× faster than a normal human can and the lightning can boost his Strength,Durability,Speed,and Agility to a Superhuman level! And you will know if the Quirk is Activated with red orange sparks coming out of his body, it has no drawbacks too!


That's Amazing!, Izuku you will finally be able to make your dream come true!

Inko said excitingly picking up Izuku and spinning him around and then hugging him while smiling so brightly Toshinori smiled at the sight while Izuku was confused until he suddenly smiled brightly you could have mistaken him as the sun

T-then that means I can become a hero?

He said with tears forming in his eyes

Yes Izuku! You can be a Hero!

Then Izuku cried while smiling and hugged his mom then the Doctor spoke

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