at the apartment

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After the fighting, they shared glances for a bit. It was getting strange because it was so silent, but then Todd drew Black into a deep kiss. Black couldn't respond at first, but as he realised what was going on, he pushed Todd against a wall, and Todd groaned with the pain in his back. Black was really harsh in his actions.

After a few more seconds of studying Todd's face, Black drew Todd into a kiss, both of them closed their eyes as their kiss grew fiercer and fiercer with each passing second. As they kissed, he couldn't help but show that his rage was still present. When he eventually ended the kiss by biting his lower lip, he stared at Todd's face, waiting for his reaction. He hoped Todd would reconsider his decision because Black refused to kill him.

When he didn't get a response from Todd, who was still breathing deeply, he grabbed Todd's arm and tried to bring him to the bedroom, but Todd stopped him, and he threw Black against a wall this time. Todd could see the fire in his eyes and a glimmer of hope when he met his gaze again. "Please Black, join me. I don't want to be against you."

The hope in Black's eyes had dissipated and been replaced by bitterness as he heard the same things over and over. Still, he couldn't help himself; he had no idea what to do and was confused. He knew exactly what he wanted. He didn't know what to do with Todd, don't get me wrong. "There is no way I'm joining you." said Black.

Todd, like Black, felt his anger resurface when he didn't get what he wanted, so he took him to his room and threw him on the bed. Because that's what he actually wanted, Black didn't say anything or try to stop it from happening. Black grabbed Todd by the neck and pulled him into a passionate kiss as Todd took his spot on the bed and got on top of Black.

Black tore Todd's shirt by the collars and pulled hard as they continued to kiss. Todd's shirt had already had a few buttons open. And Todd couldn't believe how much this had turned him on. Black began to rub his hands over Todd's chest and stomach as his top remained completely naked. Todd immediately ripped off Black's shirt and the shirt underneath it, letting it fall to the floor as he parted his lips from Black's to breathe. But instead of just that, Todd lowered his hands to Black's jeans and carefully unzipped them, looking at Black's body without trying to hide his lust. "Dont answer just yet, think about it."

Todd began kissing the neck of the person who was under him. He was able to simply bury his head in Black's neck because Black threw his head back. Todd's motions became rough after placing a few kisses on the man beneath him, sucking and biting the other's neck as if to capture it. When Black said something out of breath, neither of them knew what he was saying. Todd didn't seem to mind at the time and went about his business. While Todd was tending to his neck, Black closed his eyes and placed his hands on Todd's shoulder, squeezing Todd's shoulders.

When Black regained consciousness, he pushed Todd off of him and forced him to lie down on the bed, then climbed on top of him and sat on his crotch. As he felt Todd's already erect cock, he began to move his hips on Todd's cock. A smirk came on his face.

As Todd's mouth opened and something began to murmur as if he were breathing silently, Black leaned over and reconnected his lips, then plunged his tongue into Todd's wide mouth and licked every area of Todd's mouth. Todd's attempt to reclaim dominance was stopped by Black. They were both attempting to dominate at this point, but when someone burst in, they both came to a halt to see who had entered. It was one of Todd's men who came. Todd sat up on the bed and glanced at the employee who was breaking them apart as Black got up from him. "What exactly is going on? I instructed you to leave the house."

"Sir, I'm sorry, but I just thought you had to, I mean, your friend had to know," the employee explained.

"What? What exactly do I need to know?" Black enquired, frowning.

The employee responded, "Your brother and your gang are in danger."

"How do you know that?" Black inquired, his expression unchanged.

Todd interjected, "I told them to take care of your brother." When Black heard what he heard, he jumped to his feet, put on his t-shirt and shirt on the floor, and dashed out of Todd's flat.

that's what happened you can't tell me otherwise.

toddblack <3

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