Childhood Days

155 7 2

[Modern AU]
[Prologue - Childhood Days]
[Setting: 2009
Temari: 10
Kankuro: 9
Reader: 9
Gaara: 7]

<Third Person POV>

Laughs wracked her body as she covered her mouth in an attempt to stifle her laughter. Her body quivered just slightly as she tried to suppress them, only to ultimately fail as she began laughing even more. Kankuro just kept adding onto the joke and laughter from the other two by making faces and wild body gestures as he recounted his story.

Temari watched the three from afar, holding a doll in her hands close to her chest. Her chest ached as the three enjoyed each other's company in general merriment. She desperately wished that she could be a part of that. She wished that (Y/n) laughed like that when they were together; the girl not realizing that (Y/n) loved her just as much as the other two.

The blonde battled with herself as she stared down at the doll she had made, specifically for (Y/n). She wanted to join the (h/c) and her two brothers, but in her heart she felt like she didn't belong with them. Her self deprecating thoughts were cut short as the bright voice she loved oh so much called out her name.

"Temari! There you are!" A young (Y/n) called out to the elder girl.

Temari suddenly looked up to see the younger girl standing in front of her, beaming happily. Temari's heart beat in her chest as her face felt warm. She averted her eyes and shuffled her feet in the dirt, suddenly feeling awkward that she had previously been staring at them like some sort of creep. (Y/n) would have none of it, grabbing her hands that were still holding the homemade doll.

"You're late! Kan was telling us some stories while we were waiting for you!" The girl babbled obliviously.

Temari's eyes widened at the realization that they were all waiting, for her. She couldn't help the smile that spread across her face at the though that they wanted to include her, contrary to her previous thoughts. The blonde was suddenly reminded of the doll in her hands, the one she had meant for (Y/n). The latter was already pulling Temari towards the two brothers when the blonde finally spoke up.

"Hey, (Y/n)?" Her voice came out softer than she had intended it to.

Nevertheless, the (h/c) still heard her and turned to look at her, an inquisitive look on her face. The elder smiled and handed the doll to her.

"I made you this doll!" She chirped.

(E/c) eyes widened at the sight of the doll, surprise and intrigue turning into joy.

"Awh! Temari!" (Y/n) squealed and hugged Temari tightly. "It's so cute! I absolutely adore it!"

(Y/n) pulled away to inspect the doll; commenting on all of the cute quirks of the doll that Temari had originally hated. With each comment and little laugh from (Y/n), Temari found herself falling in love with the quirks of the doll that (Y/n) seemed to be so fond of.

(Y/n) finally looked back up at Temari, with a sparkling light in her eyes. Temari found herself speechless, her heart beating fast and filling with joy at the happiness in the younger girls face. Happiness that Temari managed to bring to her. The blonde wanted to be the reason that she smiled, she wanted to make her smile more, wanted to make her smile all the time and everyday.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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