My Favorite Songs

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I was tagged my @EagleAquario to do this.

What is your favorite band?

I really like Casting Crowns, Skillet, and the Lord of the Rings soundtrack.

Who is your favorite music artist?

I don't really have one.

What is your favorite feel better song?

Probably either Love You with the Truth by Casting Crowns.

What is your favorite thing to write to?

Classical music, especially any Lord of the Rings song.

What is the artist that both you and your parents listen to?

Casting Crowns or Skillet.

What is your favorite silly song?


Favorite song to read to?

Any classical song, but mainly Lord of the Rings.

Favorite Top Chart Song?

What do you mean? Do you mean any popular song? If so, is Love You with the Truth considered one?

Favorite song that you listen to over and over?

The Phantom of the Opera by the Phantom of the Opera (the movie/musical)

What do you listen to on walks?

I don't usually listen to any song; I talk to my family.

Favorite fast song?


Favorite acoustic song?

Any classical song...

Favorite overall?

Any Lord of the Rings (especially Elven music,) Casting Crowns, Skillet (only the Comatose and Awake and Alive albums) and other sound track songs.

Now I tag... @RiseoftheNerds and @Imaxfakemon

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