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Grace POV

I had to come pay my respect to my Sister I didn't wanna come I wasn't ready you know I wasn't build for this shit we was suppose to Ride together and die together Um I didn't drive I had my boy Don that's apart of the 410 Gang take me to this Exact location he was Confused but he didn't mind we talked it up I didn't wanna tell him what for im not ready to open up not yet but they do know my Sister especially Don I had two Red roses with me I wasn't prepared for this We wasn't ready for this life none us are and Sometimes we come in this world born into a crazy World and think that were gonna be Good were gonna make it we gonna live but truth is we ain't Some things we can't Control we have no authority over especially Losing someone you care and love about is hurtful and painful she made me that promise I never forgot it I kept it with me I walked through the grass with the roses in my hand I wore a black long coat with buttons on it leather it was even though my coat wasn't that long it was not down to my feet neither but I had on these black leather gloves I walked and walked as I found her Grave but there he was standing there as I stood right next to him

Alec: she's really gone huh

Hearing Justine brother speak I don't know him like that and I didn't wanna see his Ass either but we never had a Conversation not once my sister and he did but im not my Sister Im Grace fucking Santos  but the one thing I do respect is him paying respect to my sister and all that's something I can appreciate and I  got nothing but love for him because at the end of the day were all family here right

Alec: I just wanna say that Im Sorry I regret everything I done and Said about her she truly did love my Sister after all

I closed my eyes before opening them back up and taking a deep breath in and out

Grace: All my sister ever wanted was to get to know you and build a bond with you my N**** and yeah my Sister was deeply in love with Your sister she'll do anything to make your sister happy why because she was that in love with her why do you think she married her

Alec felt bad deep down inside as it showed as grace saw it but she Was angry at the fact that Sugar is gone and that its really hitting her  he end up looking at grace as he stared at her because grace looks exactly like Sugar like Alec was seeing Sugar in grace for a Second which was freaking him out a little bit but she placed the two roses over the Headstone as she sat them down and started to speak

Grace: Sophia you know I don't.. usually do this type of stuff and you know that I don't and I just can't why are my hands sweaty right now... 

It was hard for me to breath right now I took off my leather glove and paced around as Alec was trying to help me he stopped me to calm me down as I looked at him

Alec: Look at me breath in and breath out your gonna be just fine

I did what he told me to do I breath in and breath out as I shut my eyes once again it was like when we was little all those memories are throwing themselves at me all at one time she was next to me it was like I could feel her being here I know my sister and if anybody knows their sister then you know how it is then I reopen my eyes back up

Grace: Im So sorry Sis I..

A tear left my eyes down my cheek it was cold but a slight chill outside I don't fucking cry I don't understand why im crying I don't even fucking cry Grace Santos doesn't cry we don't cry in our family we are Strong The santos family are strong  it makes me look weak and Im not Weak

Grace: I kept your promise Sis that you told me Im doing everything you ask me to do in due time like you said I miss you so freaking much Sophia I.. Feel lost without you we were suppose to be together we Ride together and we die together like you told me what ever happened to that you left before me YOU LEFT ME HERE  We rode together for a long time  but we just didn't die together like we were suppose to now im still here breathing and you aren't anymore  You even told  Justine that she misses you a lot everyday Sis everyday it ain't the same I promise to look after Justine for you and just know its not over you know that and I do

I kissed my hand and placed it on the gravestone saying that I love her and a goodbye and to rest easy as I walked away with another tear running down my cheek I hate crying its not for me when I keep everything inside about me the day when she left me to get arrested broke me it broke my heart to see my sister in handcuffs taking the fall I knew I wasn't gonna see her for a long long time but it wasn't suppose to been her she got arrested for me she took the blame for me she always protected me I slipped my black  leather gloves on and my threw on my black Gucci shades on  Don was waiting as he saw me with Alec leaving Alec was dressed all Black his tie was a burgundy Red even his shoes were shinny and Black it started to rain it started drizzling Alec had a black umbrella as he held it above me and for him as we started walking and he was talking to me about everything and how he needed my help on things

What they didn't know was that they were being photo taken everything that they did Grace and Alec even as Alec held the door open for grace photo was token even as when grace looked at Alec photo was took even her talking to her Sister shedding a tear even to Alec helping her photo was took everything she did at the Grave site the photos were took

UnderCover Agent Karl: You think that's Her Grace Santos ?

UnderCover Agent Morgan:  I know its her We been following the Santos family for years They Covered up a lot of dirt and they are good at hiding stuff especially when it comes down to the stuff they do they become good but we end up finding it eventually and we busted that family a while back for drug trafficking so they went off the map off the grid for a While our team been Searching for at least one of them to show we heard nothing it was like they never existed in this world but now that they are back Something isn't  right

UnderCover Agent Karl: Right what about the Ross Family ?

UnderCover Agent Morgan: That's another family like the Santos family somehow they don't like one another and still don't its a mess between both families we try not to get involved so we been on the low watching and waiting for something to happen they never got along ever but the fact that Grace sister is gone because them two were always close now that she's gone grace is by herself Something is just not right here and I can't put my finger on it  what are you up to Grace Santos

UnderCover Agent Karl: Yeah Agree..


Shots were fired that's when he stepped out the Vehicle with a duffle bag in his hand and a gun in the other hand as he put it away as he was on the phone

Karl: its done.. Man being a undercover Cop wasn't that hard

UNKNOWN: Good the money would be sent to you..

*1584 Words*

Does the Santos family always Wins ?

They say the world is full of surprises and a lot more dangerous as it gets I agree its dangerous But I say its a game and its how well you play the game the number one rule is to never fail if you fail then game over just like when you play Chess and you know the game and the moves but you move without thinking  the person thats playing against you wins the game And then the questions start coming in like what ? Why ? How ? Thats because I'll tell you why the person that was playing against you sat there and think in a smart way on how to Win the game so they started moving in a smart way when you think of Chess you think of Battles that used to happen With Kings and Queens and the Kingdoms But for Agent Morgan it was more



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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