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I've been in love with Matthew Bernard Sturniolo since the second we locked eyes, I just wish I could have realized that sooner.

Graduating high school is supposed to be one of the biggest developmental milestones for a teenager, but something that is supposed to be so monumental feels meaningless when the people who helped you through all the hard times aren't here. 


"12 and a half years into school and I'm still not understanding what the big deal was about being a senior. Sure, the football games are fun, driving to school and having a reserved parking spot is nice, but these are all things I experienced in years other than this, so again I ask, what's so special about senior year?" I ask my best friend, Nick.

"Skye, senior year isn't about the activities, it's about bringing such a long and important chapter of our lives to a close and beginning a new life." He responds.

"That right there brings me to my next point, why are our lives constantly in comparison to a book? This is not a 'chapter' of my life, it's high school. People make everything deeper than it needs to be." I complain.

"Way to be optimistic Skyler." A new voice arises behind me, a new but familiar voice. "I love that we can always count on you to cheer us up in times of need." He adds.

"And why do you need cheered up today, did you get rejected again?" I ask him.

"Well gladly, I don't because I'm here with you and you're the biggest debbie downer  I've ever met." He says with a laugh. "Also, I never get rejected." He says sternly.

"You just think you're so funny don't you?" I mutter to him.

"One of us has to be, this wouldn't be a very good friendship if we were both serious and, oh I don't know, boring, Skyler." He says, shaking his head and pointing his finger at me, tapping my nose.

"I'm not boring Matthew, I just like things to be steady, and purposeful." I respond, pushing his hand away from my face.

"In other words, you're boring." Matt reverts, sending me smirk. 

"Whatever, is Chris coming so we can leave? I have homework to do." I say, attempting to change the conversation topic.

"You're really trying to tell him you're not boring then say you want to go home and do your homework, you're not helping yourself Skye." Nick chimes in.

"Nobody asked for your input, bud." Matt tells Nick, then turns towards me, "But he's right, you're a boring nerd Skyler."

"I'll be in the car." I say, then leave them in our schools cafeteria.

For context, I've known the triplets, and their older brother Justin, since 7th grade, when I was paired with Nick for one of those lame science fair project things (we did the lame volcano.) Working on the project one night at Nick's house I learned he had 3 other brothers (their poor mom) and Nick was one of the middles. Being in school with him for so long I already knew he was a triplet, but before the project I hadn't spoken a word to any of the Sturniolo's. 

Nick and I began hanging out a lot after that, and during that time I really got to know his brothers Chris and Matt. Nick being the oldest, he was by far the most mature one so I spent most of my time with him, but all three of them was a guaranteed good time with a lot of laughing. Nick quickly became my best friend and he became like my own brother. I went through a lot with him, like my parents divorce, a toxic relationship and nasty breakup with my ex-boyfriend Jake junior year, and troubles with my real brother Dylan over the past couple months, Nick was there for it all.

Chris and I aren't exactly strangers, and when it comes to platonic soulmates, Chris is the one for me. He's the Matt Donovan to my Elena Gilbert (a.k.a. we're much better as friends.) Chris and I tried the dating thing sophomore year, but once we realized that wasn't for us, we quickly fell back into our friendship dynamic, which is very similar to what our relationship dynamic was (with a little less kissing.)

Then there's Matt. Matt's always been extremely open with me, which is shocking when I see him interact with other people. Matt is typically very reserved and laid back, and I've noticed he's usually pushed away from things when it comes to his brothers. Matt and I are very similar in the fact that we're both very introverted people, we met "our people" at a young age and we've stuck to them. If there was a single word to describe Matthew Sturniolo, it would be loyal, but others would probably say that word was mysterious. Matt is also a very complicated guy, he's constantly teasing me when we're around other people, but when we're alone he's the nicest and sweetest guy to me. Matthew is also the only person I'll let call me Skyler. I've always been Skyler to him, and only him, and he'll always be my Matthew.


oh my goodness, i cannot believe i'm rewriting this whole thing. you're welcome.

word count: 875

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